    The Development of the Android Platform for Mobile Text Reading Software
    Abstract: This article focuses on the design and implementation of the text reading software what is very popular on android platform, has read the font size adjustment, reading style settings, the custom to read theme, read the progress of the jump, keyword search, read the bookmark, share for friend and other functions. First it introduced the research background and significance and the situation of domestic and foreign research, research purposes and working, general introduction of some relevant knowledge of Android, including the Android system characteristics, structure and related application development technologies. Highlight Android application development process. Then the text reading software requirements are analyzed in detail the functions described the problem and the interface requirements. Then further describe the overall architectural design of the project, explain the detailed design of each module, the concrete realization of functional topics. This time, it based on the Android platform for mobile text reading software, mainly through the Eclipse development tools, Java language and the SQLite database to complete. Discussed in detail the logical structure of application systems, architecture, functional modules and the design process, and in the last android text reading software further to achieve the vision, summarizes the whole article and experience. Finally, after complete the system development, carried out relevant tests and reviews. Conclude the paper and experiences. The software interface is friendly, easy operation, good scalability and maintainability.
    Keywords:    Android; text; reading software; smart phone
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.1.1    课题的研究背景    1
    1.1.2    课题的研究意义    1
    1.2    国内外的研究情况    2
    1.3    课题的目的及工作    3
    2    Android系统的介绍    4
    2.1    ANDROID系统概述    4
    2.2    ANDROID系统特征    5
    2.3    ANDROID系统的功能    5
    2.4    ANDROID系统架构    6
    2.4.1    应用程序层    7
    2.4.2    应用程序框架    7
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