    关键词  分布式无线系统  物理层安全  协同通信   保密率
    Title      Research of cooperation-based physical layer  security in wireless networks           
    The physical layer security technology exploits the channel fading and noise signal during wireless transferring, to secure the information's transmission on the physical layer. In order to receive the source information more effectively and safely, the channel's quality between source and destination should be improved which based on the collaborative technology of the relay node. This paper first studies two basic collaborative technology - Cooperative Relaying and Cooperative Jamming,and also compare their performance. Based on research above,this paper pays attention to a hybrid scheme with relaying and jamming, which be analyzed of the application environment to maximize the advantages. With the hybrid scheme with relaying and jamming, the transmission power of the repeater is pided into two parts: one transports the information signals, the other transports the jamming signal. The hybrid scheme with relaying and jamming could improve the privacy rate of wireless communication system. However, in the same time, the requirement of hardware and the cost of application are both higher than using of a single strategy.
    Keywords  Distributed wireless systems; Physical layer security; Cooperative communication; Secrecy rate
    目   次 
    1  绪论 1
    1.1选题的背景与意义  1
    1.2 国内外研究现状  1
    1.3 论文的重要工作及安排  2
    2  基本协同策略 4
    2.1 直接传输  4
    2.2 协同中继  4
    2.3 协同干扰  6
    3  协同中继与协同干扰的比较 7
    3.1系统模型 7
    3.3 数值结果和分析 10
    4  混合协同策略的性能分析 15
    4.1 混合协同策略的算法设计 15
    4.2 各种环境因素对混合协同策略性能的影响16
    4.3 混合协同策略性能的适用范围 19
    结论  20
    致谢  21
    1  绪论
    1.1  选题的背景与意义
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