

    毕业论文关键词:品牌战略 OFDI 联想 TCL 海尔 三星 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Discussion on Chinese Enterprises’ Brand Strategy in the Process of Overseas Foreign Direct Investment 


    In recent years, Chinese companies have continued to increase the pace of OFDI, and achieved fruitful results. However, there are many cases of failure. The reasons why Chinese enterprises’ OFDI failed are not only related to financing, cultural management, government laws, but also related to cognitive differences between the original brand and the acquired brands. This article focuses on the perspective of brand strategy to explore the reasons for the success of enterprises’ OFDI and make rational analysis. This paper reveals the importance of brand strategy for OFDI by studying the usage of Lenovo, TCL and Haier’s brand strategies. This paper analyzes existing problems of brand strategy in the process of OFDI for Chinese enterprises. Moreover, the paper further explores the future development of China's enterprises’ OFDI brand strategy development countermeasures, which is based on the experience from transnational company's brand internationalization strategy.

    Key words: brand strategy OFDI Lenovo TCL HAIER SAMSUNG

    目 次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 名词定义 1

    1.2 政策背景 2

    1.3 OFDI的方式和品牌 2

    2 中国企业OFDI的发展状况 3

    2.1 总体情况 3

    2.2 投资行业分布 4

    3 我国企业OFDI中品牌战略的实践案例分析 6

    3.1 海外并购的品牌成功案例——联想并购IBM 6

    3.1.1 并购过程 6

    3.1.2 联想的品牌战略 7

    3.1.3 联想品牌战略效果 9

    3.2 TCL并购的失败——品牌定位的失误 9

    3.2.1 并购过程与动机 9

    3.2.2 品牌定位的失策 10

    3.2.3 品牌失误的后果 10

    3.2.4 TCL的挽救措施 11

    3.3 新建公司的品牌战略成功案例——海尔的品牌战略 13

    3.3.1 海尔OFDI模式 13

    3.3.2 品牌战略 14

    3.3.3 海尔的经营成果 16

    4 品牌战略认知与OFDI品牌战略的海外借鉴 17


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