


    Abstract: As the indispensable part in our daily life, Grain is also an important foundation for economic development and social stability. Changshu City, which in Jiangsu Province, is known as the "land flowing with milk and honey ".In recent years, due to the urbanization and the industrialization, the farmland has decreased gradually, but its grain’s output still developed well. Therefore, to study on the grain production of Changshu City and its influencing factors, is meaningful for further improvement of grain’s output. In this paper, it plans to take Changshu City, Jiangsu Province for example and takes the grain production of Changshu as research object. Using already-collected agricultural statistical data of Changshu City during 1996-2013, the paper plans to use the method of econometrics by establishing the linear regression equation to analyze the Changshu’s grain production situation, and hope that through the analysis, some targeted recommendations can be put forward to improve the Changshu’s grain production.

    Keywords:Grain Production ,Influencing Factors ,Regression Model 

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  常熟市粮食生产的现状 4

    2.1  粮食种植面积不断减少 4

    2.2  粮食作物的单产水平较为稳定 5

    2.3  谷类作物的种植占主要地位 6

    2.4 从事粮食生产的劳动力逐渐减少 7

    3  对影响粮食生产的因素的实证分析 8

    3.1  变量的选择与模型的建立 8

    3.1.1  变量的选择与说明 8

    3.1.2  模型的建立 8

    3.2  模型参数的估计 9

    3.3  模型的检验 10

    3.3.1统计检验 10

    3.3.2计量经济学检验 10

    3.4  实证结果分析 15

    4  完善常熟市粮食生产的政策建议 16

    4.1  加强耕地保护,合理使用土地 16

    4.2  加大科技投入力度,提高粮食种植能力 17

    4.3 合理使用农药和化肥,减少环境污染 17

    4.4  加强政策扶持和技术推广,完善粮食种植 18

    结   论 19

    参 考 文 献 20

  1. 上一篇:淮安农村养老保险面临的问题与对策分析
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