


    毕业论文关键词  虚拟货币 现状 演化方向 治理对策


          毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  China's virtual currency market development status and Governance                                    



    With the rise and development of Internet technology, virtual currency as a medium of exchange of network value-added services in people's vision. Settlement economical, convenient, efficient and increasingly widely used, greatly promoted the economic development of e-commerce and virtual network, virtual network economic development, and to further promote the extension of the functions of virtual currency. The virtual currency gradually with the primary form of currency, began to breed a variety of problems, even had a certain impact on the entire economic and financial order. In this paper, based on the status quo, from the virtual currency qualitative and root causes practical problems existing in the development process of virtual currency market research and analysis, and then look to the future, to explore the future direction of the development and evolution of virtual currency, and analysis from home and abroad on the development of virtual currency has successful experience for the development of virtual currency market in China to put forward suggestions and countermeasures of the appropriate governance.

    Keywords  Virtual currency  status quo  Evolution direction  Governance


    1引言 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2研究现状及相关文献综述 2

    1.3本文结构 4

    2虚拟货币的概念界定及产生根源 5

    2.1虚拟货币的概念界定 5

    2.2虚拟货币的产生根源 6

    3.虚拟货币市场的发展现状 7

    3.1国内虚拟货币市场的发展现状 7

    3.2国外虚拟货币市场的发展现状 11

    4我国虚拟货币发展存在的问题 12

    4.1 虚拟货币运营方面的问题 12

    4.2 虚拟货币安全技术与管理方面的问题 13

    4.3虚拟货币存在对金融体系和实体经济的不利影响 13

    5我国虚拟货币未来的发展演化方向及治理建议 14

    5.1我国虚拟货币未来的发展演化方向 14

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