
    摘 要:随着农业的不断发展,泰州市传统农业与现代市场需求之间出现了愈来愈多的不适应,农业发展过程中面临环境问题突出、农产品结构不合理、农业产业化程度不高、市场发育不健全、信息不畅、技术缺乏,资金不足以及农民思想观念落后等诸多问题,这些问题成为制约泰州农村经济发展和农民增收的一道门槛。对此,本文提出改善农业环境、发展特色高效生态农业、坚持产业化经营、结合市场需求、加大资金投入与技术应用以及改善农民思想观念等解决措施,以进一步改善泰州市农业发展问题,为推进农业现代化迈出新的步伐。63380


    Abstract:With the continuous development of agriculture, Taizhou City, traditional agriculture and modern market demand between appeared increasing inadaptation, agriculture in the process of facing the environment question prominent, unreasonable structure of agricultural products, agricultural industrialization level is not high, market development is not healthy, poor information, lack of Technology, shortage of funds and the ideas of farmers backward many problems, these problems become Taizhou rural economic development and increasing the income of farmers and the threshold control. In this regard, the improvement of the agricultural environment, development characteristics, ecological agriculture, persist in industrialization, according to the demand of the market, increase capital investment and technology application and improve farmers' ideas solving measures, to further improve the development of agriculture in Taizhou City, to promote the agricultural modernization has taken new steps.

    Keywords:Taizhou, agriculture, problem,countermeasure

    1  引言 3

    2  泰州农业发展现状 3

    3  泰州市农业发展中存在的问题 5

    3.1  环保问题日益突出 6

    3.2  农产品品种结构不合理,优质率较低 6

    3.3  产业化程度不高 6

    3.4  市场发育不健全 7

    3.5  信息不畅,资金不足,缺少技术支撑 7

    3.6  农民整体素质偏低 7

    4  进一步促进泰州市农业发展的对策 8

    4.1  加强环境保护 8

    4.2  大力发展优质高产、高效生态农业、特色农业 8

    4.3  坚持农业的产业化经营 9

    4.4  坚持与市场需求紧密结合 10

    4.5  坚持技术创新与应用,加大资金投入 10

    4.6  加强对农民的培训,提高农民素质 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14 

    1  引言



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