

    Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, the growth of many economies mainly depends on the exports. When the export dependence increases, the real output growth appears to have continued. It comes to the question that whether there will be an optimal export dependence to make the actual output reach the maximum? In order to solve this problem, I chose the Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces and Shanghai) as the research object, and used the data collected since the Reform and Opening. This thesis is pided into four parts. Firstly, the analysis of the actual output and export dependency of the Yangtze River Delta shows that exports account for a large proportion of the actual output, and the labor-intensive and low value-added products are the main export goods. Secondly, through the analysis how the export of different export dependence stimulates the actual output, I made an assumption that there is an optimal degree of export dependence. Thirdly, I found the scatter gram of export dependence and the real GDP conforms to a quadratic function, so I made a regression analysis and figured out the optimal export dependences. Finally, I examined it by comparing the contribution degree and stimulating effect of exports on actual output of different economies with different export dependences, and made a suggestion that we should control the export dependence in the optimal range, or we should try to get rid of low-end locking.

    毕业论文关键词:出口依存度; 实际产出; 增长率;优化选择

    Keyword: export dependence; actual output; growth rate; optimization 

    目    录

    1. 引言 2

    1.1 研究背景与意义 2

    1.2 研究内容 2

    2. 文献综述 2

    2.1 出口依存度的涵义 2

    2.2 出口依存度与实际产出增长关系的研究现状 2

    2.2.1 出口对经济增长研究现状 2

    2.2.2 出口依存度优化选择研究现状 2

    2.3 现有研究存在的问题 2

    3. 长三角出口依存度及实际GDP增长现状 2


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