    Research on The Problems of Chinese Enterprise’ Foreign Direct Investment
    Abstract: Under the background of economic globalization, with the development of our economy and enterprise competitiveness enhancement, more and more companies began to go abroad on their way to foreign investment. Especially in recent years in our country is put forward under the background of national strategy of "going out", to strengthen the enterprise of foreign direct investment and foreign rich product line, expand the international market, has become a main trend of the development of China's enterprises. On this basis, this article first to the current situation of our country enterprise of foreign direct investment, then analyze the our country enterprise of foreign direct investment related management system is not sound, increase trade barriers and weak competitiveness. Then discusses the causes of these problems, and finally find the important countermeasures from two parts of enterprise and government, to further improve the ability of our country enterprise of foreign direct investment to provide the corresponding reference.
    Key words: Measurements; OFDI(outward foreign direct investment); Trade Barrier
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、我国企业对外直接投资的现状    2
    (一)总体概况    2
    (二)行业分布    3
    (三)区位分布    4
    二、我国企业对外直接投资存在的问题    4
    (一)我国企业国际竞争力较弱    4
    (二)我国企业管理体制不健全    5
    (三)贸易壁垒问题突出    5
    三、造成我国企业对外直接投资现有问题的原因    6
    (一)我国企业自身认识不足    6
    (二)政府的促进作用发挥不到位    6
    (三)发达国家的强力阻碍    7
    (四)文化差异增加了投资的难度    7
    四、增强我国企业对外直接投资能力的对策    8
    (一)企业应加大创新和研发力度 提高产品竞争力    8
    (二)企业应主动熟悉投资标的文化 按需开展投资    8
    (三)政府应强化自身职能 提高服务质量    9
    (四)政府应积极营造良好的对外直接投资环境    9
    参考文献    11
    致谢    12
    对外直接投资(Outward Foreign Direct Investment),作为资本国际化的最重要形式,可以划分为外商直接投资、外国直接投资或国际直接投资三种。国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,对外直接投资是“在投资者以外的经济(国家)所经营的企业拥有连续收益的一类投资,它的目的在于对该企业的运营管理拥有有效的话语权。”
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