    毕业论文关键词:信用卡风险 风险管理  内部控制
     Risks and Countermeasures of Commercial Bank Credit Card
    Abstract: Since the birth of the first credit card, credit card has already got a huge development in the world, the credit card department of foreign advanced bank has become the major profit sector, the profit of credit card business has become an important component of bank middle business profit. Credit card market in China along with the development of our economy has fast development, the commercial Banks try to go a head in credit card market. But the credit card risk management in commercial Banks have many deficiencies, cause there are vicious competition in the credit card market in our country. Aiming at the particularity of the credit card business and the classification of the risk management of the risk, in combination with China's credit card market present situation, proposed the establishment of personal credit system, perfect social credit system, using legal means, and strengthen internal control method, which can promote the healthy development of the credit card market.
    Key Words:credit card risk,  risk management,  internal control
    目 录
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景    - 1 -
    (二)研究意义    - 2 -
    1.促进良好用卡环境的建设     - 2 -
    2.促进商业银行健康发展     - 2 -
    3.促进金融业规范化建设    - 2 -
    二、文献综述    - 3 -
    (一)国外商业银行信用卡风险管理相关研究    - 3 -
    (二)我国商业银行信用卡风险管理相关研究    - 3 -
    三、信用卡及信用卡风险概述    - 4 -
    (一)信用卡业务    - 4 -
    1.信用卡的产生和发展    - 4 -
    2.信用卡的定义    - 4 -
    3.信用卡的特点和功能    - 5 -
    (二)信用卡风险的定义及表现形式    - 7 -
    (三)信用卡风险的成因分析    - 8 -
    (四)商业银行信用卡风险分类    - 9 -
    四、我国商业银行信用卡风险管理的现状及问题分析    - 10 -
    (一)信用卡在我国的发展    - 10 -
    (二)我国信用卡管理现状    - 12 -
    (三)我国信用卡风险管理存在问题成因分析    - 12 -
    五、我国商业银行信用卡风险管理的对策    - 14 -
    (一)建立个人信用征信体系    - 14 -
    1.建立个人信用征信体系的必要性    - 14 -
    2..我国个人征信体系的建立    - 14 -
    (二)健全社会诚信体系    - 15 -
    1.完善社会信用体系建设    - 15 -
    2.建立诚信奖惩制度    - 15 -
    3.加快诚信法治建设    - 15 -
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