    毕业论文关键词:商业银行  客户经理制  问题   建议
     Problems and Suggestions of Customer Management System of Commercial Banks
    Abstract: With Chinese sustained economic development and further opening of the domestic financial market, competition intensified. The new "financial disintermediation" developments request commercial bank's new business development framework and system construction. To retain quality customers, price competition shift to service competition, the traditional business model is no longer able to meet the perse needs of customers. During banking business and product marketing, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty has become an important part. As a marketing-oriented production of institutional arrangements and organizational structure, commercial banks account managers help the bank’s marketing. With economic development in recent years, Chinese commercial banks account manager system has made progress. However, customer managers’ low contribution and participation in customer relationship management directly affect the commercial bank marketing effect. Compared with the current status of development of foreign commercial bank customer manager system in the bank marketing, Chinese commercial bank customer manager system has many shortcomings.
    In this paper, against the current development of the customer manager system in our country, analyze China's commercial banks marketing model, point out to the problems of manager system. Analyze Citibank account manager team’s participation, propose advice for reform of account manager.
    Key Words: commercial banking     customer manager system    issues   suggestion
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)研究目的    - 1 -
    (二)研究意义    - 2 -
    (三)文献综述    - 3 -
    二、我国客户经理制发展现状    - 4 -
    (一)客户经理队伍建设    - 4 -
    (二)客户经理管理方法    - 5 -
    (三)客户经理制度规范    - 6 -
    三、我国商业银行客户经理制存在的问题    - 7 -
    (一)认识存在偏差    - 7 -
    (二)人员队伍建设不合理    - 7 -
    (三)缺少合理的考核方法和激励约束机制    - 8 -
    (四)客户经理队伍组织效能有待提高    - 9 -
    四、国外客户经理发展的经验研究——以花旗银行为例    - 9 -
    (一)营销策略    - 10 -
    (二)组织架构    - 10 -
    (三)客户经理队伍从业标准和任职资格    - 11 -
    (四)客户经理培训制度    - 11 -
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