    毕业论文关键词:电子商务 发展 问题 对策
     Study on the problems and countermeasures of the development of e-commerce
     Abstract: China is a traditional agricultural country,Agricultural production is extensive. With the improvement of technology and the rapid development of our economy,agriculture has also made a breakthrough in the reform. now, e-commerce is widely used as a tool in all walks of. Application of e-commerce in agriculture is the general trend. In order to adapt to economic globalization, agricultural information development in China. At present ,  Many parts of the country also is starting the agricultural information construction. Due to the real needs of agricultural development and increasing popularity of mobile phones, computers and other information equipment, for the application of e-commerce in agriculture has created prerequisites for.  The purpose of this paper is to understand China's current situation of the development of electronic commerce, analysis of the existing problems and the countermeasures.Hope to be able to contribute to agricultural e-commerce in China.
     Key Words:e-commerce   develop  Problem  countermeasure
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)文献综述    2
    (三)研究目的与意义    3
    (四)研究思路和方法    3
    (五)论文创新点    4
    二、农业电子商务的理论    4
    (一)电子商务概述    4
    (二)农业电子商务概述    5
    三、农业电子商务的现状分析    5
    (一)农业电子商务的发展史    6
    (二)我国发展农业电子商务的优势    7
    四、农业电子商务发展存在的问题    8
     (一)农产品品质没有明确鉴别体系    8
    (二)农民文化知识有限,影响农业电子商务的使用    8
    (三)网络成本高,不利于农业电子商务发展    9
    (四)信息技术有限,存在安全隐患    9
    (五)农村缺乏信息化人才    9
    (751)物流效率影响农业电子商务    9
    五、农业电子商务发展的对策    10
    (一)政府加大支持力度,并适度干预    10
    (二)提供信息设备购买优惠,提高网络质量    11
    (三)加快农业信息化人才培养,提高农民电子商务意识    11
    (四)完善农业电子商务的网络    11
    (五)创新农业电子商务体系    12
    参考文献    1
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