毕业论文关键词:创业板 问题 发展 研究
Thinking of the growth GEM market in China
Abstract: The GEM was listed on the market in China on October 30,2009 and has been running for five years and 7 months until now. Since GEM was planned to go public in more than ten years, continuously drawing lessons and experiences of other countries and regions, combing the reality of our country, our country has introduced the characteristics of the market for China's national conditions. Used logical analysis, from the concept of the growth enterprise market, based on the research achievements of previous scholars the thesis summed up the basic theory of the growth enterprise market construction.Then the thesis discussed the differences of GEM between international(LXIC for example),Hong Kong and china by using the method of comparative analysis.IN addition the thesis analyzed the growth enterprise market development of present situation by using the method of empirical analysis to explore the development characteristics of the GEM in China,problems and the reasons. finally the thesis learned lessons from LXIC and Hong Kong of successful and failure experiences of the GEM development to put forward policy and suggestions on further developing and perfecting the GEM in China.
Key Words:GEM, problems, development, research
目 录
一、引言 - 1 -
(一)研究背景及意义 - 1 -
(二)文献综述 - 2 -
1.国外文献综述 - 2 -
2.国内文献综述 - 3 -
(三)研究思路 - 4 -
二、 创业板市场建设的相关理论 - 4 -
(一)双缺口理论 - 5 -
1.资本缺口 - 5 -
2.债务融资缺口 - 5 -
(二)风险投资理论 - 5 -
1.风险资本运作 - 5 -
2.风险资本退出 - 6 -
三、美国纳斯达克市场及香港创业板市场发展经验 - 6 -
(一)纳斯达克市场发展概述和发展状况 - 7 -
(二)香港创业板市场发展概述和发展状况 - 8 -
(三)对我国创业板发展的启示 - 9 -
1.分层次的市场体系 - 9 -
2.对上市标准的不断调整 - 9 -
3.硬件设施与软件设施的共同支持 - 10 -
4.严格的信息披露制度 - 10 -
5.聘任一个合格优秀的保荐人 - 10 -
6.保护投资者的利益 - 10 -
四、我国创业板市场发展现状和存在的主要问题 - 11 -
(一)我国创业板市场的发展现状 - 11 -
1.市场规模不断扩大,促进了中小企业发展 - 11 -
2.行业分布广,推动产业结构优化升级 - 12 -
3.创业板上市公司具有高成长性,利润增长快 - 13 -
- 上一篇:关于理财产品收益率影响因素的研究
- 下一篇:浅谈我国金融监管体制存在的问题及改进思路