    摘要:随着经济全球化的不断发展,中国在实行了改革开放的三十几年以来,中国经济在这期间迅速增长,贸易量不断上升,而且中国在国际贸易中的地位也发生了翻天覆地的变化,加入世界贸易组织之后中国的出口从简单的农副产品慢慢转向了各式各样不同的商品并且被冠以“世界工厂”的美称,made in china的标签不断出现在了世界的每一个角落的任何一样物件上,中国贸易产物以一种令人不可置信的速度占据着大部分的市场份额,可是中国的贸易市场在近几年也极其频繁地出现了一些不和谐的声音让中国在国际贸易市场发展遇到了阻碍甚至为此暂缓了前进的脚步……本文主要从中国国内政策的制定,人民币汇率变动,国际间各国文化差异不同,进口国贸易保护,进口国国内情势,中国劳动力总体水平与成本及世界经济的总体水平的角度摘取历史上的事实事件来多方位实证分析影响中国贸易条件诸因素的实证分析,从而为中国在国际贸易的发展之路上杀出一条阳光大道,稳住中国在国际贸易中的地位,扬长避短地充分发挥中国在贸易上的优势,为中国将来更多更好更快的发展之路上创造更过的可行性!22208
    An empirical analysis of the factors influence China's trade conditions
    Abstract: with the continuous development of economic globalization, China has introduced more than 30 years of reform and opening up, in the Chinese economy fast growth during this period, the increase in trade volume, and the status of China in the international trade has also changed dramatically, from simple to join the world trade organization after China's export of agricultural and sideline products slowly turned to the variety of different goods and has been dubbed the "world factory" the laudatory name, made in China labels appear repeatedly in the every corner of the world as well as any objects, China's trade products at an incredible speed occupying most of the market share, but China's trade market is also appeared frequently in recent years some disharmonious sound development for China in the international trade market encountered obstacles even suspend the pace of progress... This article mainly from the domestic policy, the RMB exchange rate changes, to the different cultural differences, international importer of trade protection, the importer of the domestic situation, the overall level and cost of Chinese labor force and the point of view of the overall level of the world economy take an empirical analysis to the fact that the event in the history of multiple factors influence Chinese terms of trade of the empirical analysis, to China on the road of the development of international trade fight a sunshine avenue, hold the status of China in international trade, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses to give full play to the advantages of Chinese trade, for China's future more better and faster development of the feasibility of the way to create more!
    Key words: China's trade; Policy; Resistance; Development countermeasures
    1.绪论    5
    1.1 研究背景与意义    5
    1.2 写作目的以及本文主要内容    5
    1.3国际贸易的相关概念    6
    2.中国对外贸易现状    6
    3.影响中国贸易条件诸因素的实证分析    8
    3.1 国内政策的制定    8
    3.2 汇率对于中国对外贸易的影响    9
    3.2.1汇率变动的主要因素    10
    3.2.2人民币汇率变动对我国进出口贸易的影响    10
    3.3 文化差异对于中国对外贸易的影响:    11
    3.4 贸易壁垒对于中国对外贸易的影响    12
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