


    The present situation and Strategies of teaching of kindergarten picture book reading


    According to research shows that children's early reading ability will affect children's life, this reading as an important part of early reading plays a considerable role in them, and to promote the development of children in all aspects has important meaning. Now, as a new way of reading picture books reading is fully implementing around the country, but there are still many deficiencies. This paper analyses the concept of picture books reading, through the survey of kunshan three kindergarten, a preliminary analysis of picture books reading teaching. For preschool teachers to draw this education method, puts forward some concrete Suggestions, aims to make picture books reading really happy reading, promote the development of children's physical and mental health.

    Key words:Picture books;picture book teaching;present situation;Strategy Research.

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 IV

    一、选题背景 1

    二、核心概念界定 1

    (一)绘本的定义 1

    (二)绘本教学的定义 2

    三、绘本教学的研究方法 2

    (一)问卷调查法 2

    (二)访谈法 2

    四、绘本教学的研究现状 2

    (一)教师对绘本阅读的认识的现状 2

    1.教师对绘本的喜爱程度 2

    2.教师对绘本与其他读物区别的认识 3

    (二)教师绘本教学的开展情况 4

    1.教师在班级开展绘本教学活动的安排频率 4

    2.每个班级绘本的投放数量 4

    (三)教师组织绘本阅读的偏好选择 4

    1.教师选择绘本是图画和文字的比例 4

    2.教师选择绘本时最重要的标准 5

    (四)教师组织绘本阅读的价值认识 5

    1.绘本的价值 5

    2.开展绘本阅读最重要的的目标 6

    3.开展绘本教学幼儿最应得到提高的能力 6

    (五)教师组织绘本阅读的教学方法 7

    1.绘本阅读时多媒体手段的使用情况 7

    2.教师组织绘本教学的常用形式 7

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