


     Study on Admission Anxiety of Small Children


    Admission anxiety is not only a common phenomenon in the kindergarten,but also a common mood for small children. Once the admission anxiety level becomes high, children's physical and mental health will be affected. At the beginning ,most of the small children will be unfamiliar with the new environment of the kindergarten, and then show different levels of anxiety, such as frequent crying, refusal to participate in activities, life adjustment difficulties and excessive attachment to teachers . Accordingly, this article first explains the meaning of admission anxiety and the influence on children. Then observing the children with severe admission anxiety in the use of case analysis method. Children’s own induction temperament parenting styles, peer emotions and class size and other factors can cause anxiety. Finally, according to the results, the article puts forwards mitigation strategies to relieve admission anxiety: strengthening cooperation in their homes; carrying out a variety of activities and games; class sizes; taking the democratic way of family education.

    Key Words: admission anxiety;  case analysis method;  mitigation strategies

    目 录




    一、 问题的提出 1

    (一)体现《纲要(现行)》精神 1

    (二)受到社会现状的启示 1

    二、 幼儿入园焦虑的意蕴 2

    (一)概念界定 2

    (二)对幼儿的影响 2

    三、 幼儿入园焦虑的表现 2

    (一) 哭闹频繁 3

    (二) 拒绝参与活动 4

    (三) 班级生活适应困难 4

    (四) 过度依恋教师 5

    四、 幼儿入园焦虑的原因分析 6

    (一)幼儿自身气质类型 6

    (二)同伴焦虑情绪感染 6

    (三)班级人数过多 6

    (四)溺爱型的家庭教养方式 7

    五、 幼儿入园焦虑的缓解策略 7

    (一)加强家园合作 8

    (二)开展丰富多彩的游戏活动 8

    (三)控制班级人数 8

    (四)采用民主型家庭教养方式 9


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