
    摘要:通过避光恒温振荡实验,分别研究了时间、温度、pH、离子浓度等因素对雌酮(E1)与乙炔雌二醇(EE2)这两种内分泌干扰物在污泥中吸附行为的影响。结果表明:污泥对不同种类的内分泌干扰物吸附效果不同,对EE2的吸附能力优于对E1的吸附能力;E1在污泥中的吸附量在1h左右达到最大值,而后会发生明显的解吸,最终污泥吸附的E1占总量的10%左右;EE2在污泥中的吸附量在15min可达到最大值,而后其中的少部分会发生解吸,最终由污泥吸附的EE2占总量的85%左右;随着温度的升高,E1在污泥颗粒中的吸附量略有上升,EE2在污泥颗粒中的吸附量有下降趋势;pH在3.0~6.0范围内,随着溶液 pH 的升高,E1与EE2的吸附量均略有减少,当pH在6.0~9.0范围内,E1和EE2的吸附量都基本稳定,当pH在9.0~11.0范围内,E1的吸附量略有升高,EE2的吸附量仍然呈下降趋势;溶液中NH4+和Ca2+的存在对E1在污泥样品中的吸附行为影响较小,而对EE2影响较明显,当离子浓度为0.005~0.1mol/L时,污泥对EE2的吸附量随着离子浓度的增大而显著升高,当离子浓度大于0.1mol/L时,随着离子浓度的继续增加,污泥颗粒对EE2的吸附量保持相对稳定。70718


    A Study of Sorption Behavior of Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Sludge

    Abstract: The study focused on the sorption behavior of estrone(E1) and 17-α-ethinylestradiol(EE2) on sludge by changing reaction time, temperature, pH and ion concentration in constant-temperature oscillation experiment in dark condition. The results showed that different endocrine disrupting chemicals(EDCs) had different sorption results, and EE2’s sorption result was better than E1’s sorption result. After 1 hour, the adsorption quantity of E1 was at the maximum, then most of E1 was desorbed and the adsorption quantity finally represented approximately 10 percent of the total. As for EE2, after 15 minutes, the adsorption quantity of EE2 reached a maximum, then slight amounts of EE2 was desorbed and the adsorption quantity finally represented approximately 85 percent of the total. The adsorption quantity of E1 increased slightly and the adsorption quantity of EE2 decreased obviously as temperature increased. As for the relationship between pH value and adsorption quantity of E1 and EE2, the data from experiments indicated that E1 and EE2’s adsorption quantity decreased as pH value increased when the pH was of 3.0~6.0. E1 and EE2’s adsorption quantity do not change as pH value increases when the pH was of 6.0~9.0. E1’s adsorption quantity increased and EE2’s adsorption quantity decreased as pH value increases when the pH was of 9.0~11.0. The concentration of ammonium ion and calcium ion in the solution had a minor effect on E1’s sorption behavior and had a evident influence on EE2’s sorption behavior, the adsorption quantity of EE2 increased obviously as the ammonium ion and calcium ion concentration increased in 0.005~0.1 moles per liter concentration range, and the adsorption quantity of EE2 remained stable as the ion concentration increased when the ion concentrations’ values were greater than 0.1 moles per liter.

    Keywords: estrone; 17-α-ethinylestradiol; sludge; sorption behavior


    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的与意义 2

    材料与方法 2

    2.1  仪器及试剂 2

    2.1.1  仪器 3

    2.1.2  材料与试剂

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