


    毕业论文关键词:城市污泥  好氧发酵  重金属  生物有效性

    Bioavailability Analysis of Heavy Metals in the Sludge Aerobic Fermentation Process

    Abstract This study took the sludge of Xuzhou Guozhen sewage treatment plant as the research object. The sludge fermentation experiment was conducted under different temperature condition, adding fresh benzene bacillus and pseudomonas putida into sludge, and then the method of BCR sequential extraction was used to measure the 4 forms of 8 kinds of heavy metal elements, namely Zn, Hg and Cu et.al, to analyze the change of metal bioavailability. The experimental results showed that the bioavailability of heavy metals can be effectively reduced after fermentating for 30 days. At 20℃, the bioavailability of Zn, Ni, Cu, As and Cd can be reduced with adding above two kinds of bacteria. The bioavailability of Cr and Pb were increased when adding pseudomonas putida, but the bioavailability of Cr was reduced by adding feed benzene bacillus. At 30℃, the availability of Cr, Pb, and Hg were reduced by adding two kinds of bacteria fermentation. The bioavailability of Zn, Ni and Cu were increased after adding pseudomonas putida, but the case was reduced under adding fresh benzene bacillus. Above all, the bioavailability of heavy metals can be generally reduced by fermentation adding fresh benzene bacillus for 30 days at 20℃ and 30℃.

    Key words:municipal sludge  aerobic fermentation  heavy metals  bioavailability 

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1前言 1

    2 实验部分 2

    2.1实验试剂 2

    2.2 仪器设备 2

    2.3 实验步骤 2

    3 实验结果与分析 3

    3.1 锌的有效性变化分析 3

    3.2 铬的有效性变化分析 5

    3.3 镍的有效性变化分析 7

    3.4 铜的有效性变化分析 9

    3.5 砷的有效性变化分析 11

    3.6 镉的有效性变化分析 13

    3.7 铅的有效性变化分析 15

    3.8 汞的有效性变化分析 17

    3.9各重金属有效性分析 19

    4 结论

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