
    摘要本实验采用电渗析法对高盐分废水进行脱盐处理。实验反应器采用三膜四室电解槽,为避免极化现象影响脱盐效果,实验要在极限电流之下进行,选定6个恒定电压15、16、17、18、19、20V。实验发现各电压下淡水TOC都随时间下降,说明各电压下的离子交换膜都受到污染;随着电压的增大,TOC的下降速率和最终减少百分比都增大,说明膜污染随着电压增大而严重,这是因为高电压下有更多有机质沉积在膜上,且阴离子交换膜要比阳离子交换膜的污染严重。电压为16 20V时的脱盐效果较好,淡水电导率的下降率达到94%以上,其中20V时达到最大,为96.37%;阴离子的去除率达到90%以上,同样在20V时硫酸根和氯离子去除率达到最大,分别为97.24%和97.59%。实验还发现氯离子比硫酸根离子的去除速率快,氯离子更易透过离子交换膜。63824

    毕业论文关键词  电渗析  高盐分废水  脱盐  膜污染


    Title    Study on the Treatment of Wastewater with High Salinity by Eletrodialysis

    Abstract In this study, wastewater with high salinity is desalinated by electrodialysis. Using a four compartment electrolytic cell as the experimental reactor, in order to avoid the appearance of polarization, experiments should be carried out under the limiting current. It was found that the TOC of dilute streams decreases with time and applied voltages, indicating that the ion exchange membrane are contaminated; and the contamination of the ion exchange membrane increase with the applied voltage.

    At constant voltages, the organic molecules are ionized, transferred through the membrane causing internal blocking, and at higher voltages, there is more energy to ionize the organic molecules. High anions removals were obtained at 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 V. Anions removals over 90% were obtained finally at these constant applied voltages. A maximum sulphate and chloride removal of 97.24% and 97.59%, respectively, was obtained at 20 V. The removal rate of chloride is faster than sulphate.

    Keywords  electrodialysis  wastewater with high salinity  desalination  membrane fouling

    1  引言 1

    1.1  序言 1

    1.2  电渗析技术 1

    1.2.1发展概况 1

    1.2.2工作原理 2

    1.2.3离子交换膜 3

    1.2.4电渗析器 3

    1.2.5电渗析技术的特点 3

    1.3  高盐分有机废水 4

    1.3.1概况 4

    1.3.2高盐分有机废水来源 4

    1.3.3处理工艺及现状 4

    1.4  电渗析膜污染 5

    1.4.1 膜污染定义 5

    1.4.2 膜污染的影响因素 5

    1.4.3 离子交换膜污染评价方法 6

    1.4.4 膜污染防治方法 6

    1.4.5 膜污染清洗技术 7

    1.5  研究内容的确定 7

    2  实验内容 7

    2.1  实验装置、设备及试剂 7

    2.1.1  实验装置 7

    2.1.2  实验设备

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