

    毕业论文关键词: 柠檬香精;护手霜;应用

    The application of lemon flavor in hand cream

    Abstract: Through access to relevant information literature, and get to the preliminary formula lemon essence formula and quasi Hand Cream. A number of experiments were carried out in the laboratory. To determine the basic formula of lemon flavor and hand cream. And then by adding or reducing the relevant raw materials and dosage on the basis of the continuous optimization of the formula. Get the final hand cream formula. The content of stearic acid 4%, oil content 8%, Brij721 content 3%, glycerol content 8%. And then make a delicate, smooth, skin feel better, meet the requirements of hand cream. Through repeated smells, fragrance, continuous improvement formula. Get the final lemon flavor recipe. The main raw material is the sweet lemon oil and lemon oil, the content is 30%, 45.8%. And then get the coordinate the aroma, fresh, sending, lasting, in accordance with the requirements of the experiment lemon flavor. Last, add the Lemon essence to hand cream. The relative optimum dosage of lemon essence was 0.3% by experiment.

    Key Words: Lemon Flavor; Hand Cream; Application 


    1.前言 1

    1.1 化妆品的发展现状及趋势 1

    1.2 护手霜 1

    1.2.1 护手霜的定义 1

    1.2.2 护手霜的分类 2

    1.2.3 护手霜的制备工艺 2

    1.3柠檬香精 2

    1.3.1 柠檬香精常用的香料 2

    1.3.2 柠檬香精的调配 3

    1.4本课题的研究目的和意义 3

    2.实验原理和方法 4

    2.1 实验材料试剂、仪器设备 4

    2.2 采取的方法、技术 4

    3.实验进程 6

    3.1 制定实验基础配方 6

    3.1.1 查找参考配方 6

    3.1.2配方制定思路及原则 7

    3.1.3制定出基础配方 8

    3.2配方修改及优化 9

    3.2.1 护手霜配方的修改及优化 9

    3.2.2柠檬香精配方的修改及优化 11

    3.3制定出最终配方 16

    3.3.1 制定出最终护手霜配方 16

    3.3.2 制定出最终柠檬香精配方 17

    3.4 确定柠檬香精在护手霜中的用量 18


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