



    毕业论文关键词  耐高温环氧树脂  三酚基甲烷  聚酰胺  热性能 


    Title  The Study on the Synthetic Technology of High Resistant Epoxy Resin

    Abstract Epoxy resin is a kind of thermosetting resin who has been widely used. In order to expand the application of epoxy resin, it is meaningful that improving heat resistance of epoxy resin. With the continuous development of high and new technology, and puts forward higher and higher requirements for epoxy resins, and thus constantly promotes the research and development of high performance epoxy resin.

    Tri-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methane ether the article introduced is a heat resistant epoxy resin. It has excellent tenacity and process ability, and it is widely used as high performance composite and encapsulation materials. In order to gain heat-resistant epoxy resin matrix. Three factors such as the addition manner of the alkali, reaction temperature and catalyst usage was studied for gaining the best parameter of the synthesis of tri-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methane triglycidyl ether, poly(amic acid)s was chose for the hardener. The product had been proved to have good mechanical properties and bonding strength. The chemical structure of tri(4-hydroxyphenyl) methane triglycidyl ether was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and 1H NMR spectrometer.  

    The results showed that the optimum technological condition is the material ratio of epoxy chloropropane to tri(4-hydroxyphenyl) methane is 1:30, the catalyst is NaOH in saturated solution, reaction temperature is 60℃, under this condition, the epoxy value is 0.6285, the product yield is 85.65%. 

    Keywords  heat resistant  epoxy resin  tri(4-hydroxyphenyl)methane   poly(amic acid)s  thermal performance

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究目的和意义 1

    1.2  环氧树脂的概况 1

    1.2.1  环氧树脂的定义 1

    1.2.2  环氧树脂的分类 1

    1.2.3  环氧树脂的性能和应用特点 2

    1.2.4  环氧树脂的主要应用领域 3

    1.3  耐高温环氧树脂研究进展 4

    1.2.1  合成具有耐热性骨架结构的环氧树脂 5

    1.2.2  选择耐高温的耐热固化剂 5

    1.2.3  改性环氧树脂提高耐热性

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