


    毕业论文关键词: 钒酸钴锂;(PO4)3-取代;锂离子扩散系数57354

     Synthesis of LiCo(VO4)1-X(PO4)X by hydrothermal method and its electrochemical properties

    Abstract Developing high energy density cathode materials, as well as improving the cycle stability, safty and performance in extreme environment, is one of the research interests for Li-ion batteries.

    In this paper, inverse spinel structure nano-size (50-100 nm) LiCo(VO4)1-X(PO4)X (denoted by LCV1-XPX) (X=0、0.05、0.1、0.2 and 0.3) was synthesized by hydrothermal method at 220℃ for 24h. XRD indicates that substitution of (PO4)3- has been into the LiCoVO4 (denoted by LCV) lattice. SEM shows that the diameter of LiCoVO4 distributed from 50 to100nm.Comparing the LCV1-XPX with different content of (PO4)3-, LCV0.9P0.1 has the highest initial discharge specific capacity, 67.7 mAh/g, and LCV, LCV0.95P0.05 and LCV0.8P0.2 initial discharge specific capacity is 49.8mAh/g, 55.7mAh/g and 60.1 mAh/g After 10 cycles, LCV0.9P0.1 discharge specific capacity to maintain the highest rate, 60.3%, and LCV, LCV0.95P0.05 and LCV0.8P0.2 discharge specific capacity retention rate were 20%, 57.4% and 50.7%. Calculated by exchanges impedance analysis, the lithium iondiffusion coefficient of LCV is 7.81×10-14 cm2/s, and compare with LCV the diffusion coefficient of LCV0.9P0.1 lithium ion is 3.78×10-13 cm2/s, It shows that partial (PO4)3- substitution is beneficial to increase the diffusion coefficient of lithium ion. Partial (PO4)3- substitution Not only can improve the cycle stability of the material but the material of the discharge voltage platform..

    Key words: LiCoVO4; (PO4)3- substitution; Li+ diffusion coefficient

     目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 锂离子电池的简介 1

    1.2 锂离子电池的发展现状 1

    1.3 锂离子电池的结构和工作原理 1

    1.4 锂离子电池的正极材料 3

    1.5 LiCoVO4正极材料的结构特点 4

    1.6 LiCoVO4的制备方法 5

    1.6.1 固相法合成LiCoVO4 5

    1.6.2 微波法合成LiCoVO4 6

    1.6.3 溶胶—凝胶法合成LiCoVO4 6

    1.6.4 热液法合成LiCoVO4 6

    1.6.5 水热法合成LiCoVO4 6

    1.7 LiCoVO4的改性方法

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