

    毕业论文关键词: Fe2O3  石墨烯  负极材料  Fe2O3/C复合负极材料

    Abstract Graphene helps embedding and extraction of lithium, inhibiting decomposition of the electrolyte, to improve the reversible capacity. Fe2O3 nanoparticles and graphene composite, can compensate for deficiencies Fe2O3 cycle performance, improve specific capacity anode material. In this experiment, graphite, concentrated sulfuric acid, potassium permanganate, and hydrazine hydrate was prepared from graphene to FeCl3, NH3 • H2O, graphene as a raw material for preparing a negative electrode material of lithium batteries, which in pure Fe2O3, obtained by acid treatment of graphite oxide, graphite, and glucose as graphene contrast substance, use XRD to characterize its structure, and is compared with other substances, the higher purity of the substance, the electrical performance tests show better performance.

    Keyword:Fe2O3;   Graphene;  Anode Material  Fe2O3/C composite anode materials


    1引言 5

    2石墨烯的研究现状 5

    2.1 石墨烯的制备研究 5

    2.1.1微机械剥离法 5

    2.1.2氧化还原法 6

    2.1.3化学气相沉积法 6

    2.1.4 SiC外延生长法 6

    2.1.5热膨胀剥离法 6

    2.1.6溶剂剥离法 6

    2.2石墨烯材料的应用 7

    3氧化铁石墨烯复合负极材料的研究 7

    3.1 Fe2O3/石墨烯负极材料的研究 7

    3.1.1喷雾干燥法 7

    3.1.2超临界CO2法 7

    3.1.3PVP辅助水热法 8

    3.1.4水热合成法 8

    3.1.5其他方法 8

    3.2纳米Fe2O3/石墨烯复合材料的应用 8

    3.3前景展望 9

    4 Fe2O3/石墨烯复合材料的合成 9

    4.1仪器及设备 9

    4.2药品及试剂 9

    4.3电极材料的制备 9

    4.3.1样品1(Fe2O3)制取 9

    4.3.2样品2(Fe2O3/C(酸处理)) 10

    4.3.3样品3(Fe2O3/C(葡萄糖))制取 10

    4.3.4样品4(Fe2O3/GO(未水洗)) 10

    4.3.5样品5(Fe2O3/GO(水洗)) 11

    4.3.6样品6(Fe2O3/石墨烯) 11


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