    摘要:  本设计课题名称为:高雅染色釜的设计,课题内容包括1染色釜的设计2染料罐的设计3管道及布液管的设计。原始数据及数据为:设备内最高工作压力为35MPa,设备内工作温度为22℃~120℃。染色釜的设计压力为42MPa,设计温度为140℃。筒体内径Di=170mm,筒体长度L=2m。超临界二氧化碳染色釜的介质:二氧化碳;设计严格按照国家标准进行,压力容器必须符合GB150 标准的钢制压力容器和压力容器必须符合NB / T47003.1-2009焊接钢制压力容器标准。47343
    毕业论文关键词: 高压;染色釜;罐;压力容器
    Pressure dyeing autoclave design
    Abstract:  The name of the design issues: elegant stained kettle design topics including dyeing autoclave 1 Design 2 Design 3 dye tank pipes and cloth tube design. Raw data and data: maximum working pressure within the apparatus 35MPa, operating temperature of the device within 22 ℃ ~ 120 ℃. Dyeing autoclave design pressure of 42MPa, the design temperature of 140 ℃. Cylinder inner diameter Di = 170mm, cylinder length L = 2m. Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing autoclave media: carbon dioxide; designed in strict accordance with national standards for pressure vessels must comply with the GB150 standard steel pressure vessel and pressure vessels must comply with the NB / T47003.1-2009 welded steel pressure vessel standards.
    Pressure dyeing autoclave, manufacture and use of highly technical, very demanding, involving the extraction process, structural design, material selection, high pressure mechanical seal, production, safety, and temperature, pressure, level, flow, concentration of oxygen-containing integrated cross set design and other relevant parameters to measure multiple disciplines meter chain distributed control, it is a high-tech equipment. For the general understanding of the autoclave, the structural design is based on the same technical standards in accordance with the relevant requirements needed for different process conditions demand, as well as its design parameters conditions, procedures, testing and manufacturing.
    Key words:  high pressure ;dyeing autoclave tank; pressure vessel
    1课题综述    1
    1.1  课题介绍    1
    1.2课题研究的意义    1
    2高压染色釜的设计    6
    2.1原始条件及数据    6
    2.2技术要求    6
    2.3高压染色釜相关设计计算    6
    2.3.1筒体设计    6
    2.3.2封头    7
    2.3.3螺纹法兰    10
    2.3.4平盖的设计    11
    2.3.6筒体端部法兰的设计计算    11
    2.3.7校核    12
    2.3.8开孔及开孔补强    13
    3 染料罐的设计及相关计算    15
    3.1设计依据    15
    3.2设计参数要求    15
    3.3设计参数的确定    15
    3.4筒体厚度的计算    16
    3.5平盖的设计    16
    3.6卡箍    17
    3.7法兰    18
    3.8法兰上螺栓和螺母    19
    3.9开孔及开孔补强    21
    3.10校核    21
    4 附件    23
    4.1染色釜部分附件    23
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