

    关键词  Au纳米颗粒,g-C3N4,h-BN,可见光催化,催化还原


    Title   Synthesis and the catalytic performance of based on Au nanocomposite materials.  


    With the rapid development of economic, fossil energy consumption caused by large amounts of energy depletion and environmental pollution caused by using  fossil energy affects the survival and development of human beings seriously. Gold nanoparticles were homogeneously anchored on the surface of graphitic carbon nitride or hexagonal boron nitride can be used in visible light catalysis and organic catalytic reduction, which can not only alleviate energy crisis but also reduce environmental pollution. In this dissertation, Au/g-C3N4 and Ag/h-BN nanocomposites with differing Au content have been respectively prepared via a simple in-situ growth method. Au/g-C3N4 and Ag/h-BN nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Uv-vis absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis). The photocatalytic activities of the Au/g-C3N4 nanocomposites and the organic catalytic performance of the Au/h-BN nanocomposites were evaluated. The results show that these catalysts reveal excellent catalytic activity, which can be attributed to the high dispersion of Au nanoparticles and the significant synergistic effect between Au nanoparticles and g-C3N4 or h-BN.

    Keyword  Au nanoparticles,g-C3N4,h-BN,visible-light photocatalysis,catalytic reduction

    目   次 V

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  Au纳米粒子的简介 1

    1.3  载体纳米材料简介 2

    1.3.1  石墨相氮化碳纳米材料简介 2

    1.3.2  氮化硼纳米材料简介 3

    1.4  基于金纳米粒子复合材料的催化性能研究 4

    1.5  本课题的研究内容和研究意义 5

    2  Au/g-C3N4纳米复合材料的制备及光催化性能研究 6

    2.1  引言 6

    2.2  实验部分 7

    2.2.1  实验试剂 7

    2.2.2  实验仪器 7

    2.2.3  Au/g-C3N4纳米复合材料的制备 7

    2.2.4  Au/g-C3N4纳米复合材料的表征 8

    2.2.5  可见光催化活性测试 8

    2.3  结果与讨论 9

    2.3.1  催化剂的结构与形貌 9

    2.3.2  催化剂的吸附性能研究

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