    Electrodeposition and characterisation of nanocrystalline Ni–Mo coatings
    Abstract: Metal material as the most widely used engineering materials plays an irreplaceable role in social development, and the use of metal material as the coating is important to apply them. In engineering, many parts of the working conditions are very harsh, not only requires them to have a high strength hardness, but also have excellent performance good wear resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. Plating layer covering the surface of parts with excellent properties to meet this requirement, extend the working life of parts. With the development of science and technology, on the part of the increasingly high demand, therefore, the coating should also have a corresponding development in order to meet demand. Among the metal coating, nickel coating has the excellent performance, such as high hardness, strength and wear resistance, capable of most of the work environment, is the most studied metal plating. The method of producing metal coatings are a variety of commonly used methods such as spraying, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, electrodeposition, and electrodeposition is recognized as the most economical method to adapt to a wide range of industrial production.
    Keywords: Electrodeposition, Atomic weight than the nickel-molybdenum, Corrosion resistance, Current density.
    目  录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.1.1课题背景    1
    1.1.2课题的意义    2
    1.2 电沉积层的结构    3
    1.2.1金属电沉积层的形态结构与性能.    4
    1.3 电沉积镍    4
    1.3.1电沉积镍基金    5
    1.3.2电沉积镍钼合金    5
    1.3.3电沉积工艺    5
    1.3.4镀层组织和性能    6
    1.4 电沉积镍基合金的工艺研究    7
    1.4.1工艺条件对镀层成分的影响    7
    1.4.2电沉积镍基合金的结构    7
    1.4.3镍基合金的电沉积机理    7
    1.5 电沉积镍基合金的性能研究及应    8
    2.实验方案和试剂样品    9
    2.1  实验试剂和仪器    9
    2.1.1镀层制备    9
    2.1.2镀层性能测试    10
    2.2 实验方案    11
    2.2.1镀前处理    11
    2.2.2镀后处理    11
    2.3 测试方法    11
    2.3.1SEM测试    11
    2.3.2XRD测试    12
    2.3.3电化学测试    12
    3.实验结果讨论    14
    3.1 样品的耐腐蚀性能分析    14
    3.11极化曲线    14
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