    毕业论文关键词:果蔬种植业发展; 化肥农药; 环境影响
    Abstract:China has entered to accelerate the transformation of traditional agriculture now, agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics critical moment .The development of agriculture to national economic and social development and food security, supply meaningful significant balance problems. Due to the development of urbanization, a significant reduction in the rural population, Jiangsu Province government is also actively coordinating urban and rural development, and introduced a series of policies which can help people to encourage the development of local farming, and has attracted many large land development contract farming of fruits and vegetables, Such as strawberries, mushrooms, dragon fruit plantations. This not only allows local people to eat fresh fruit, but also increased contract income households, raise living standards and promote economic development.But the rapid development of farming has also caused many environmental problems. A large number of chemical fertilizers and pesticides applied to fields on the surrounding environment of water, soil, air and biological a serious impact. Method combined with the field research and reference to the relevant literatures of the sustainable development of fruit and vegetable farming, and leads to the fruit and vegetable planting industry application of fertilizer and pesticide, respectively to study the effect of chemical fertilizer and pesticide on the surrounding environment, and puts forward related suggestions.
    Keywords: fruit and vegetable cultivation   fertilizer and pesticide   environmental impact
    目    录
    摘    要    I
    英文摘要    II
    1  前言    1
    2 果树种植业化肥农药施田对周边环境影响    3
    2.1 化肥施田的环境效应    3
      2.1.1化肥施用现状    3氮肥施田的环境效应    4 磷肥施田的环境效应    4 钾肥施田的环境效应    4
    2.2 农药施田的环境效应     4
      2.2.1农药施田对土壤环境的影响    5
      2.2.2农药施田对水环境的影响    6
      2.2.3农药施田对大气环境的影响    7
      2.2.4农药施田对农作物和生物的影响    7
      2.2.5农药施田对粮食安全的影响    8
    3措施与建议    9
     3.1 管理体制    9
     3.2 技术创新    9
     3.3 民众意识    10
    4结语    10
    参考文献    11
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