    采用化学氧化法制备可膨胀石墨(GIC)。分析了 VEG的影响因素以及 GIC 的制备
    机理,确定了最大膨胀体积 VEG时的最佳制备工艺。结果表明在最佳工艺条件下
    制备可膨胀石墨膨胀体积可达250 mL/g(600℃)。
    应用SEM、XRD、FT-IR等现代分析仪器研究了 GIC外貌、结构、内部组成等,
    合干扰材料 8mm 波衰减性能,分析了衰减性能影响因素。结果表明,膨胀石墨/
    碳纤文复合干扰材料具有较优的 8mm 波衰减性能,且复合干扰材料 8mm 波衰减分
    贝数受 GIC 粒度(80 目衰减性能较优)、天然鳞片石墨与碳纤文束质量比等因素
    影响。  5552
    关键词 可膨胀石墨  膨胀石墨蠕虫  膨胀体积  GIC 表征  膨胀石墨/碳纤文复
    合  毫米波衰减
     Title  Study on the properties of expanded graphite/carbon
              fiber compound interference material              
    The graphite intercalation compound(GIC)  was prepared by chemical
    oxidation method using natural flake graphite(NFG),HClO4/H3PO4/CrO3 as the
    oxidant and intercalation agent. The optimum technology parameters of
    expansive volume(VEG) were determined. The result showed that VEG  was 300mL/g
    at 600℃. The composition and structure of GIC were characterized and
    analyzed by SEM、XRD and FT-IR. Result showed that the intercalates like
    had already been inserted into the graphite layers.The
    ingredients of mixture are LGIC and carbon fiber, alcohol is used as
    mixture. The study results showed that  interference  properties is
    strengthened with addition of carbon fiber mass. The effects of mass of
    carbon fiber and size of LGIC to MMW interference properties of expanded
    graphite/carbon fiber compound interference materials.Carbon fiber
    disperses more uniform and MMW interference properties is better, if the
    expanded graphite/carbon fiber compound is prepared with nature flake
    graphite of 80 mesh.  
    Key words:  Graphite intercalation compound   Expansive graphite worm   
    Expansive volume   GIC characters   GIC/expansive  graphite composite
    materials  MMW attenuation
    目 次
    1   绪论  . 1
    1.1   研究背景及意义  1
    1.2   国内外研究现状  1
    1.2.1   国内外研究相关现状  . 1
    1.2.2  研究新方向:低温低能耗可膨胀石墨材料  2
    1.3   本设计主要研究内容  . 2
    2   膨胀石墨/碳纤文复合材料制备工艺   3
    2.1   可膨胀石墨制备理论基础  . 3
    2.1.1  天然鳞片石墨  3
    2.1.2  可膨胀石墨  4
    2.1.3  膨胀石墨蠕虫  8
    2.2   低温低能耗可膨胀石墨的制备  . 11
    2.2.1   实验试剂与仪器  . 11
    2.2.2  可膨胀石墨制备过程  . 11
    2.2.3  膨胀体积测试方法  . 12
    2.3  影响膨胀石墨体积的因素探讨  . 13
    2.3.1  反应阶段最佳工艺参数的选择 13
    2.3.2  分离阶段最佳工艺的选择  . 16
    2.4  可膨胀石墨的结构表征  . 17
    2.4.1 SEM分析   17
    2.4.2 XRD分析   18
    2.4.3 FT-IR分析  . 19
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