
    The design of the grid and grit tank shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB50014.
    The revolving water decanter in SBR pool used shall comply with the provisions of HJ/T277.
    The relevant provisions of the design of air blower room according to the GB50014 implementation (the roots blower shall comply with the provisions of HJ/T251).
    The agitator performance should be in accordance with the requirements of HJ/T279.
    The distribution equipment of the substation in the substation shall comply with the provisions of the national standard GB50053.
    The sewage treatment plant site selection and layout shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB50014. General layout design should comply with the relevant provisions of GB50187.
    (1) the design of wastewater treatment plant design and other engineering, shall be in accordance with the appropriate requirements, we must first ensure that the sewage treatment plant after meet the emissions requirements. Considering the reality of the economic and technical conditions, as well as the specific local conditions (such as construction conditions). On the basis of possible, selection process, structure (built) build forms, main equipment design standards and data.
    (2)  the design parameters of the sewage treatment plant must be reliable. The design must fully grasp and carefully study the natural conditions, such as the quality and quantity of data, similar engineering data. In accordance with the requirements of the engineering project, the comprehensive analysis of various factors, and choose the design data, in the design must comply with the current design specifications, to ensure the necessary safety coefficient. The new technology, new technology, new structure and new materials with positive cautious attitude.
    (3) Sewage treatment plant (station) design must comply with the requirements of the economic. Sewage treatment engineering design is accomplished, general layout, monomer design and selection of chemical agents such as possible use reasonable measures to reduce engineering cost and the cost of operation and management.
    (4) The design of sewage treatment plant should be reasonable. Under the principle of economical and reasonable, must according to need as far as possible the use of advanced technology, machinery and automatic control technology, but to ensure safe and reliable.
    (5) Avoid the two pollution. To avoid or reduce the negative impact on the environment, proper disposal of filtrate engineering grid slag, sludge, odor and other infiltration, avoid secondary pollution to the environment.
    (6) Convenient operation and management. The building layout is reasonable, processing in the process of automatic control, in order to safe, reliable, affordable, to improve the management level, reduce labor intensity and the cost of operation.
    (7) Strict implementation of national environmental protection regulations, the treated water can be discharged.
    Main technical data.
    Q=50000m³/d,COD=400,N=20,P=2,BOD=200,SS=120,Oil=10mg/L。Other formula and standard according to the "batch" technical specification for the required calculation.
    Keywords: municipal wastewater, SBR process, activated sludge.
    1概述    1
    1.1设计背景    1
    1.2设计依据    1
    1.3设计的技术与要求    1
    1.4设计目标与规模    1
    2选题与工艺比较    3
    2.1选题的目的及意义    3
    2.1.1目的    3
    2.1.2意义    3
    2.2废水特性与水质分析    4
    2.2.1废水特性    4
    2.2.2水质分析    5
    2.3工艺流程比较    6
    2.3.1传统活性污泥法    6
    2.3.2 SBR工艺    6
    2.3.3氧化沟废水处理工艺    7
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