    关键词  纳滤膜;尺寸效应;电荷效应;分子极性;PPCPs
    Title  Effect of steric effects on nanofiltration of micropollutants
    in water PPCPs
    2-Hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan (HTCC) with different substitution degrees were synthesized by reaction of chitosan (CTS) and glycidyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (GTMAC) in isopropanol. Then a positively charged composite nanofiltration membrane was prepared by using HTCC as the selective layer, PES UF membrane as support layer and epichlorohydrin (ECH) as cross-linking reagent. Use of the positively charged nanofiltration membrane separation of organic compounds and personal care products (PPCPs) experiment and explore the molecular molecular mass, size, polarity and electric charge of nanofiltration membrane interception performance.
    Results showed that Effect of HTCC/PES composite nanofiltration membrane for organic matter retention efficiency by size effect, charge effect, molecular polarity and other factors. In the nanofiltration membrane mwcos range, the rejection increases with the increase of molecular weight, the correlation coefficient is 0.6711; based on the screening effect and size effect, the size parameters and rejection has certain correlation, and further explain the molecular size of interception efficiency has obvious influence. Compared with non-polar molecules have similar molecular weight or particle size, the polar molecules have a lower rejection. In the charge, since there is a certain charge effect in the surface of the film, positively charged organic inaccessibility the surface of positively charged film, unable to penetrate the membrane, so that the rejection were generally higher. The negatively charged organic, positively charged membrane to make it easier to adsorb and penetrate the membrane, thereby greatly reducing the rejection. Under the room temperature and neutral conditions, the rejection of PPCPs with the nanofiltration membrane was above 70%, indicating that nanofiltration membranes for the removal of PPCPs is based on electrostatic repulsion.
    Keywords  Nanofiltration membrane  Size effect  Charge effect  Molecular polarity  PPCPs
    目   次
    1  引言•1
    1.1  膜分离技术概述1
    1.1.1  膜分离技术特点•1
    1.1.2  膜分离技术分类•2
    1.1.3  分离膜的分类2
    1.2  纳滤膜分离技术的概述3
    1.2.1  纳滤膜分离技术的特点3
    1.2.2  纳滤膜材料•3
    1.3  影响纳滤膜分离性能的因素•4
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