    Study on Green Synthesis of Lyral
    Abstract: The article outlines the olfactive note and the perfumery applications of Lyral, reviews the related publications since Lyral being developed by IFF. The common topic for these publications is to protect carbon-carbon double bond or carbon-oxygen double bond to minimize isomerization. For those “non-protection” reports, they far to meet industrial value due to low yield. Based on the previous studies, we propose the route of direct hydration of myrac aldehyde without protecting aldehyde group to synthesize Lyral under an appropriate catalyst system and mild conditions in order to ensure the selectivity of Lyral, and furthermore follows by the chemical engineering method of “reaction-distillation”, which aims to avoid the substantial selectivity drop against post reaction speed peak. The effects of various parameters were investigated in detail using D72 cation exchange resin as main catalyst and polar reagent A as sub-catalyst in a stirred reactor。and achieved a good conversion/selectivity balance.  With the feedstock ratio by weight as: Myrac aldehyde 7, water 3 and sub-catalyst A 14, under 80℃ for 2 hours, we get Lyral yield 15.3% (by GC) and 85.7% mole selectivity,a result with 
    good conversion/selectivity balance.  The product structure is proven by GCMS. The results look promising for next step of feedstock recovery by distillation. We believe this paper offer useful approach for implementation of “reaction-distillation” concept in Lyral synthesis.
    Key Words: Myrac aldehyde, direct hydration reaction, Lyral, cation exchange resin
    1 前言    1
    1.1 由月桂烯合成月桂烯醇再与丙烯醛反应制备新铃兰醛    1
    1.1.1 月桂烯合成月桂烯醇    2
    1.1.2 月桂烯醇合成新铃兰醛    2
    1.2 由月桂烯合成柑青醛后制备新铃兰醛    3
    1.2.1 月桂烯合成柑青醛    3
    1.2.2 柑青醛合成新铃兰醛    4
    2 实验内容和实验方法    7
    2.1 实验原料、药品与设备    7
    2.2 化学反应    8
    2.3 实验装置与步骤    8
    2.4 分析方法    9
    2.4.1 气相色谱定量分析    9
    2.4.2 反应物转化率、产物选择性和收率的计算分析    9
    3 结果与讨论    11
    3.1 催化体系的确立    11
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