    摘要:有机多孔聚合物是一类具有较大比表面积和永久孔结构的新型多孔材料。 它的制备方法多种多样、孔径可以调控、表面可以修饰,这些特点使它在气体吸附、储能、非均相催化等方面具有非常大的应用价值,因此,近年来有关有机多孔聚合物的研究的发展速度十分迅猛,成为一大热点。本课题合成了基于1,4-二溴苯的多孔聚合物。利用单因素优化法对多孔聚合物的各步合成工艺条件进行了优化,并得到了较佳的工艺条件:三(1,2,4,5-四甲基-3-溴苯)基硼与1,4-二乙炔苯的摩尔比为1:2.25,反应温度为80℃,反应时间为24h,所得产率为82.9%。溶剂采用三乙胺和四氢呋喃。本文首次使用四三苯基磷钯和碘化亚铜复合催化剂得到较高产率的产物,此课题的研究为此类功能材料的合成提供了有价值的理论依据和实验支持。24465
    Synthesis Research of Porous Polymers Based on 1,4-Dibromobenzene
    Abstract: Porous organic polymer is a class of new porous material which has high specific area and permanent pore structure. There are varieties of technologies for polymers’ preparation, which make it of great value in the application of gas adsorption, energy storage and  heterogeneous catalysisi. Therefore, in recent years the speed of the development of research on porous organic polymer was very fast, becoming a hot spot. The synthesis process conditions of this porous organic polymer were optimized by single factor optimization method and the optimum conditions for the process were as follows: the molar ratio of three (1,2,4,5 - methyl - 3 - bromobenzene) boron and 1, 4-2 acetylene benzene was 1:2.25, the reaction temperature was 80 ℃, the reaction time was 24h, the reaction productivity is 82.9%, reaction solvent was triethylamine and THF. At the same time,the structures of target compounds were characterized by hydrogen nuclear magnetic spectrum.This was the first time for four-triphenylophosphine palladium and cuprous iodide used together as the catalyst and it obtained high yield.The research on this topic for the synthesis of such functional materials 
    provides valuable theoretical and experimental support.   
    KeyWords:1,4 - Dibromobenzene; Porous organic polymers; Synthetic; Material
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  多孔聚合物概论    1
    1.1.1  微孔材料    2
    1.1.2  介孔材料    3
    1.1.3  大孔材料    3
    1.2  有机多孔聚合物概论    4
    1.2.1  自具微孔聚合物    4
    1.2.2  超交联聚合物    5
    1.2.3  共轭微孔聚合物    6
    1.2.4  共价有机骨架聚合物    7
    1.3  有机多孔聚合物应用    7
    1.3.1  有机多孔聚合物在气体吸附的应用    7
    1.4  本课题的研究意义及方案    8
    1.4.1  研究意义    8
    1.4.2  研究方案    9
    2  实验内容    11
    2.1  实验试剂与药品    11
    2.2  仪器装置    11
    2.3  化合物的合成路线    12
    2.3.1  三(1,2,4,5-四甲基-3-溴苯)基硼的合成    12
    2.3.2  1,4-对三甲基硅基苯的合成    12
    2.3.3  1,4-二炔基苯的合成    13
    2.3.4  最终多孔聚合物的合成    13
    3  实验结果及讨论    14
    3.1  三(1,2,4,5-四甲基-3-溴苯)基硼的合成优化    14
    3.1.1  原料配比对反应的影响    14
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