


    Digest: This research is done under the background where many students’ leaving hotel industry after practice has caused a great loss of interns for hotel industry. Though the hotel industry is developing rapidly in China, there is a great shortage of high-qualified talents, especially management personnel of the hotel industry, which is related to the fact that most of the interns leave this industry after they finish their internship. This article based on our predecessors’ studies, analyzes the problems lying in the management of hotel interns and the causes at present in China, in terms of the hotel management professional interns demand and flow. This article targeting the students in Nanjing Traveling Professional Institute, is aimed to perform a quantitative analysis of influential factors of the management of the hotel interns. Besides, it comes up with improving countermeasures to cutting interns’ turnover rate contrapuntally. Thus, it provides certain reference to promoting the healthy development of hotel industry. 

    Key words: hotel industry,  intern,  high turnover rate,  analysis of the causes,  countermeasure

    目  录

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  研究背景 5

    1.2  研究意义 5

    2  研究现状 6

    2.1  行业现状 6

    2.2  酒店与实习生双方需求现状分析 6

    3  实习生满意度调查及需求分析 8

    3.1  实习生满意度调查 8

    3.2  调查结果分析 10

    4  酒店管理专业学生实习结束后流向分析 10

    4.1  实习期间满意度与留任意愿的关系 10

    4.2  影响实习生职业期望的因素 11

    5  从实习生需求探讨降低实习生流失率的对策 13

    5.1  酒店实习生管理应遵循的原则 13

    5.2  酒店应优化对实习生管理的对策 14

    结 语 20

    参 考 文 献 21

    致 谢 22

    附 件:南旅院实习生工作满意度调查问卷 23

    1  绪论

    1.1   研究背景 

    我国酒店行业从1978年实施改革开放开始,迅速发展,成为各行业中发展最快的行业之一,同时也是各行业中最早与国际接轨的行业之一。经过30多年的发展,我国酒店业不仅在数量上还在质量上都获得了快速发展。我国旅游业统计公报显示,截至2013年末在11487家星级饭店中:五星酒店有760家,四星酒店有2186家,三星酒店有5379家,二星酒店有3020家,一星酒店有142家[ ]。从中我们可以看出我国酒店业逐渐发展成为一个纺锤状行业,作为高速发展中的朝阳产业,酒店业的人力来源成为困扰我国酒店发展的一大难题。

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