


    An empirical study on the guarantee level of rural minimum living security system in Shanghai 

    Abstract: In recent years, Shanghai has made certain achievements in social assistance, but there are still many problems. In this paper, the implementation of the rural minimum living security system in Shanghai and the level of protection of the empirical analysis to explore the existing problems of rural social assistance, and put forward relevant policy recommendations. The study found that the standard of rural subsistence allowances in Shanghai is much higher than the national average and the guarantee is strong. After 2015, the Shanghai rural subsistence allowances to achieve a unified standard with the city subsistence allowances. However, the financial burden of different districts in Shanghai is different, and the financial burden in the suburbs exceeds that of the suburbs. In terms of growth rate, the growth rate of rural standard in Shanghai is lower than that of CPI, and the standard of subsistence allowances is lagging behind per capita consumption expenditure of rural households. Shanghai rural social assistance coverage is low. (2) to further improve the standard of subsistence allowances, increase the income of rural subsistence allowances, and benefit more (1) to improve the financial burden structure, the municipal government to increase subsidies to the suburbs, reduce the suburbs of the minimum burden; Difficult families; (3) enrich the form of rural social security, narrow the gap between urban and rural minimum living standards.

    Keywords: rural; minimum standard; security level; minimum living security system


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究综述 1

    1.3 研究内容与方法 2

    2 相关概念与理论概述 3

    2.1 社会救助 3

    2.2农村最低生活保障 3

    2.3 低保标准和人均补差 4

    3 上海市农村最低生活保障制度发展状况及内容 4

    3.1上海市农村最低生活保障制度发展状况 4

    3.2上海市农村最低生活保障制度内容 5

    4 上海市农村最低生活保障水平实证分析 6

    4.1 上海市农村低保与全国水平对比及评价 6

    4.2 上海市农村低保与城市低保的对比分析

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