
    摘  要在保护生态的原则下对苏南湿地的空间发展进行有效调控,探索城乡一体化进程中苏南湿地的开发利用模式是本论文的研究重点。在一定时间尺度上分析苏南湿地的空间演变特征,总结城乡一体化进程对湿地空间变化的影响规律,以便从根源上遏制现有湿地的生态恶化趋势。并且将湿地开发的传统模式与新型模式进行对比,提出更合理的开发利用建议,使湿地的发展适应于现代城市化关于物质生产、生态服务以及精神文化方面的需求。肯定苏南湿地在城乡一体化背景下的存在意义并且赋予其新的内涵意义,找到关于苏南湿地开发建设的一条正确出路 。69852

    毕业论文关键词:苏南  湿地开发  空间重组

    The Wetland in the Process of Urban and RuralIntegration Development Pattern in South of Jiangsu Province


    Under the principle of ecological protection of wetlands in South of Jiangsu province , Regulated effectively the Space of reconstruction . Exploring the utilization patterns in the urbanization of wetlands  in south of Jiangsu province is the key survey of this paper. In a certain time scale, analysed the spatial evolution of wetland characteristics in South of Jiangsu province. Summarizing the influence of urbanization in the spatial variation of the wetland in order to curb the deterioration of the existing wetland ecological trends from the roots. And the traditional model of wetland development is compared with a new model, mading more rational recommendations of the development and utilization. The development of wetland should be adapted to the needs of the modern city of about aspects of material production, ecological services and spiritual culture. Confirmed the meaning of existence of wetland in South of Jiangsu province in the urban and rural context ,and given new connotations of it . Found a correct way out on the development and construction of the wetland in South of Jiangsu province  .

    Key words: South of Jiangsu province  Development of wetland  Reconstruction of Space 

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    1 苏南湿地研究的现状及研究方法与意义 1

    1.1湿地的定义 1

    1.2湿地研究的现状 1

    1.3 研究方法与意义 2

    2 苏南湿地的现状 2

    2.1 苏南湿地区域范围 2

    2.2 苏南湿地的空间变化 3

    3 苏南湿地开发的过程中产生的问题 7

    3.1 生态问题 7

    3.2 社会环境问题 8

    3.3 小结 9

    4 苏南湿地的开发利用模式 10

    4.1 传统模式 10

    4.2 新型模式 10

    4.3 湿地建设利用模式优劣分析 13

    5 苏南湿地开发利用建议 13

    5.1选择合适的湿地开发利用模式 14

    5.2湿地空间重组与利用的调控策略 14

    5.3 新技术与方法的应用 15

    5.4 完善湿地保护的生态补偿机制 15

    6 结论

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