



    Research on the Innovation of Book Marketing Mode in Network Times

    Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy, people's growing demand for spiritual aspects. At the same time, due to the rapid development of China's mobile Internet, people's reading habits and purchase methods have also undergone enormous changes. Which for the book publishing market has brought opportunities and challenges, but also makes the increasingly fierce competition. As the book network marketing in China has not yet formed a complete theoretical framework, the industry is still in its infancy, so in-depth study of domestic and foreign book network marketing practical experience, and summed up the feasible method for the book publishing industry in China has important practical significance.

    Based on the background of the development of book marketing model under the Internet age, this paper puts forward some ideas of innovative mode for the background of e-commerce and the present situation of book network marketing in China, hoping to develop the book publishing industry with the tight network development Footsteps to provide help and learn from.

    KeyWords:book marketing;online marketing;new media


    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

    (二)研究综述 1

    (三)研究思路与方法 2

    二、图书网络营销的概念 3

    (一)图书网络营销的特征 3

    (二)图书网络营销的优势 3

    三、微信图书营销的研究 5

    (一)微信图书营销优势 5

    (二)微信图书营销存在的主要问题 5

    (三)微信图书营销改进方法 6

    1、增强图书微信营销的战略意识 6

    2、提高传播内容质量 6

    3、优化图书微信推送方式 6

    4、制定图书微信营销效果评估方法 7

    四、微信图书营销未来发展创新探索 8

    (一)细分用户需求 8

    (二)微信二维码的应用 8

    (三)微信与其他社会化媒体的整合营销 8

    1、微信营销与微博营销的整合 8

    2、微信营销与直播营销的整合 9


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