
    摘要:组织公民行为( OCB) 指的是有益于组织,但在组织正式的薪酬体系中尚未得到明确或直接确认的行为 。组织公民行为至少由七个维度构成:助人行为,运动家道德,组织忠诚,组织遵从,个人首创性,公民道德和自我发展。 组织公民行为是一种员工自觉从事的行为,它不包括在员工的正式工作要求中,但这种行为无疑会促进组织的有效运行。也就是说,组织公民行为是一种有利于组织的角色外行为,由一系列非正式的合作行为构成。随着竞争加剧,组织结构的扁平化,员工的组织公民行为越来越为组织管理者所重视。近几年来的西方国家,组织公民行为的研究逐渐成为了研究热点,各类研究方法及结果层出不穷,但是我国对组织公民行为的研究仍在起步阶段,况且组织公民行为也因文化环境的不同而不同,所以照搬西方的研究成果是不可取的。本论文旨在探索中国文化背景下影响组织公民行为的因素之一——感知的组织公正,以更好的了解中国文化环境内感知的组织公正是如何影响组织公民行为以及影响程度,为中国管理者的管理决策提供理论依据。52630



    毕业论文关键词: 组织公民行为、组织公正感、感知的企业社会责任

    Perception of organizational justice to the influence of employee citizenship behavior research

    Abstract: Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to are beneficial to the organization, but in the formal compensation system has not been clear or directly to confirm.Organizational citizenship behavior is composed of seven dimensions: at least helping behavior, athletics morals, organizational loyalty, organizational compliance, personal initiative, civic virtue and self-development.Organizational citizenship behavior is a kind of consciously engaged in the behavior of the employees, it is not included in the employee's formal job requirements, but this kind of behavior will definitely promote the effective operation of the organization.In other words, organizational citizenship behavior is a kind of for the role of organization behavior, made up of a series of informal cooperation behavior.As competition intensifies, the organization structure of the flat, employees' organizational citizenship behavior more and more attention to organization managers.Of western countries in recent years, the research of organizational citizenship behavior has gradually become a hot research topic, research methods and results emerge in endlessly, but the research of organizational citizenship behavior in our country is still at the early stage, and organizational citizenship behavior is due to the different cultural environment, so the research achievements of copying western is not desirable.This paper aims to explore the Chinese culture under the background of one of the factors that affect organizational citizenship behavior, perception of organizational justice, to better understand the perception of organizational justice in the Chinese cultural environment is how to influence organizational citizenship behavior as well as the influence degree, provide theoretical basis for the management decision for Chinese managers.

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