    关键词  培训迁移  工作情景因素  领导支持  组织支持  工作支持
    毕业论文外文 摘 要
    Title    The effect of work environment on transfer of training 
    Nowadays,researchers and practitioners pay high attention to training transfer.Organizations pursue high-efficiency training transfer.Studies show that whether training can be applied into working have great relevance with the situations after trainees go back to their work environment.Firstly,this article studies relevant literature,researches and summarizes the date of domestic and foreign literature about the effect on training transfer.The study focuses on the effect of work environment on training transfer.Secondly,references some relevant literature and designs the scale.There are 200 employees are surveyed by the means of questionnaire survey. Questionnaire analysis mainly use SPSS statistical software,including the exploratory factor analysis,the valid reliability analysis,the correlation analysis,the regression analysis and so on.Through the questionnaire data analysis, the factors affecting the training transfer supportive work situation with the research and discussion is pided into leadership support, job support and organizational support three dimensions. Finally, enhance the effect of  training transfer and related suggestions were put forward, and has carried on the relevant to the research limitations and shortcomings.
    Keywords  Training Transfer  The Effect Of Work Environment  Leaders Support   Job Support  Organization Support
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究目的    1
    1.3  研究流程和研究方法    1
    2  文献综述    4
    2.1  培训迁移的定义    4
    2.2  培训迁移的理论与模型    4
    2.3  相关研究    7
    2.4  研究假设    8
    3  问卷设计    10
    3.1 工作情景问卷设计    10
    3.2 培训迁移问卷设计    10
    4  实证研究与数据分析    11
    4.1  样本结构分析    11
    4.2  探索性因素分析    12
    4.3  信度分析    13
    4.4  描述性统计与相关分析    13
    4.5  回归分析    14
    5  讨论与建议    17
    5.1  结果讨论    17
    5.2  建议    18
    5.3  研究的局限性    18
    结  论    20
    致  谢    21
    参考文献    21
    附录A  影响培训迁移的工作情境因素调查问卷    24
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