摘要二十一世纪以来,经济发展的速度越来越快,全球化与市场化的步伐越迈越大,每一个企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈,在这种情境下,产生了供应链以及供应链质量管理两个新概念。如果能够高效的实施供应链质量管理,企业的生产效率会有大幅度提高,竞争力也会相应增强。面向质量的供应链绩效评价是供应链管理的方法之一,所以,进行科学的、有效的面向质量的供应链绩效评价有着重要的意义。本文总结了国内外专家对供应链质量管理的研究现状,并且广泛阅读了有关供应链质量绩效评价的文献,在此基础上,基于层次分析法,选取了一些适当地质量绩效评价指标,并且介绍了层次分析法的原理,以及具体的操作步骤,并基于层次分析法的特点,我们将指标划分为两层,如第一层指标有顾客满意度,财务运营能力等,第二层指标则根据第一层指标来细化,如将顾客满意度细化为客户保持率,供应链柔性等可以量化的指标。之后又在此基础上进行了综合评价分析,并进行了一致性检验。本文选取两家国内的汽车公司作为样本,利用层次分析法对样本企业进行了供应链绩效评价,最后得出供应链柔性、 准时交货率、 利润增长率、 现金周转时间、总资产投入增长率等几项指标对供应链的整体质量绩效影响比较大,验证了基于层次分析法的供应链质量绩效评价的实用性和可行性。30919
毕业论文关键词 质量管理 供应链管理 层次分析法 供应链质量绩效评价
Title Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Quality
Abstract The development of economic is raising rapidly since the 21stcentury,as well as the globalization and maketization.Competitions between co-operations are getting severe.The concept of supply chain and supple chain quality management have been invented under this circumstance.The product of company will be efficient and the company will be more competitive by performing supply chain quality management in a positive way.supply chain quality performance measurement,which is designed to managethe supply chain,is one of the method. Thus, it is significant to carry on the supply chain quality performance measurement in a more scientific and efficient way.The most advanced research results have been summarized in this paper.We selected some proper index of quality measurementand interviewed the brief principle and specific steps of AHP.We pided the index into two levels by the character ofAHP the first level are the degree of custom satisfaction andfinancial ability,the second level is piding the degree ofcustom satisfaction into some indexes which can be measureaccording to the first level,like custom retention rate and flexibility of supply chain.And then we analyzed these and didthe consistency check. We chose two famous automobile company in China and evaluatedthem by AHP, and finally we got a result which shows theflexibility of supply chain,punctual delivery rate,profitgrowth rate, cash flow time,total investment growth rate havea large impact on the performance appraisal.
Keywords Quality Management Supply chain management AHP SupplyChain Quality Performance Evaluation
目 次
1 绪论.1
1.1 研究背景.1
1.2 国内外研究现状.1
1.3 研究的主要内容和方法.3
1.4 本章小结.4
2 供应链质量管理相关理论基础.6
2.1 供应链质量管理的定义.6
2.2 供应链质量绩效评价的特点.8
2.3 供应链质量绩效评价的原则.8
2.4 本章小结.9
3 基于层次分析法供应链质量绩效评价.10
3.1 层次分析法相关理论概述.10
3.2 基于层次分析法的供应链质量绩效评价.10
3.3 本章小结.17
4 质量绩效评价应用.18
4.1 企业简介.18
4.2 供应链质量绩效评价.18
4.3 对两家汽车企业供应链的问题分析及建议.24
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