    Low carbon production willingness and its influencing factors of rural households Take Liuzhou city of Guangxi Province as an example
    Abstract: This study selected the reduction of chemical fertilizer, pesticide reduction, straw, farmland protection four performance indicators, the investigation of Liuzhou city in Guangxi Province, 187 farmers agricultural low-carbon production willingness, and application of logistic regression models to study the main factors influencing farmers' agricultural low-carbon production willingness. The results showed that the characteristics of farmers themselves, family characteristics, characteristics of professional knowledge acquisition and the characteristics of relationship network all affected the low carbon production desire of rural households. The characteristics of variables, gender, cultural degree, agricultural planting years, and whether industry has a significant impact on the low carbon behavior; family characteristics, agricultural income and agricultural labor number have significant effect on Farmers' low carbon behavior; professional knowledge acquisition characteristics, for low carbon awareness and participate in agricultural training for farmers low carbon behavior significantly; the relationship between network characteristics, whether the impact of village cadres on Farmers' low carbon behavior. And make some policy recommendations based on variables that have significant impact.
    Key words: low-carbon agriculture; willingness of farmers; Logistic model
     目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    2
    一、绪论    2
    (一)研究背景及意义    2
    1.研究背景    2
    2.研究意义    2
    (二)研究进展    2
    1.概念界定    2
    2.农户农业低碳生产意愿现状    3
    3.农户农业低碳生产意愿影响因素    3
    4.推广低碳农业技术的政策建议    4
    (三)文献述评    4
    (四)研究内容、技术路线    4
    1.研究内容    4
    2.技术路线图    5
    二、数据来源与样本特征    5
    (一)数据来源    5
    (二)样本特征    5
    三、理论分析与模型设定    6
    (一)理论分析    6
    1.农户个人特征    6
    2.家庭特征    6
    3.专业知识的认知与获取    6
    4.社会关系网络特征    7
    (二)模型设定    7
    (三)变量描述    7
    四、结果与分析    8
    (一)二元logistic回归模型分析结果    8
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