    关键词  关系营销 保险 市场模型 问题 对策
    Title    Research on the relationship between the   marketing mode of the insurance industry                       
    Relationship marketing theory as the introduction of new theory, started relatively late in our country, but relationship marketing has been all walks of life awareness and attention, in the increasingly fierce competition in the insurance industry, insurance companies in China to want to come to the fore, it is necessary to grasp the relationship marketing the powerful weapon.
    This thesis is to study the process of relationship marketing model problems and countermeasures on China's insurance industry to implement. The main research methods are literature research and case analysis, research ideas is a review of some scholars to study the relationship between the insurance industry to implement the marketing process, and use the Internet to find a lot of relationship marketing and insurance industry-related data and information, predecessors research and analysis to sort out, the present study carried out smoothly to provide strong theoretical support, but also to provide information during the internship of the insurance company. To our country insurance company relationship marketing application situation and the analysis of existing problems in the process of implementation, and according to the theory of relationship marketing of the six big market model puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.
    Keywords  relationship marketing  insurance  market model  problem  countermeasures
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及研究意义    1
    1.1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.2 研究意义    1
    1.2 研究目的    2
    1.3 研究思路与方法    2
    1.4 研究内容    2
    2相关理论研究与文献综述    3
    2.1关系营销理论    3
    2.1.1 关系营销的定义    3
    2.1.2 关系营销的市场模型    3
    2.1.3 关系营销的水平    5
    2.2国内外关系营销理论文献综述    6
    2.2.1 国外相关文献综述    6
    2.2.2 国内相关文献综述    7
    3 我国保险公司在实施关系营销模式过程中出现的问题    9
    3.1 我国保险行业营销模式现状    9
    3.2 关系营销实施过程中的问题    10
    4 实施关系营销的对策    13
    4.1 竞争者市场    13
    4.2 分销商市场    13
    4.3 供应商市场    14
    4.4 内部市场    14
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