    Adaptability and challenges of life of the elderly in the city in the process of Urbanization -- Based on the investigation of S town in Songjiang District households in the elderly
    Abstract:With the city to accelerate the process of all kinds of renovation, the real estate industry heat does not reduce the demolition in the city staged. However, related policies and supporting measures are not in place, demolition will easily cause the original tenants resist especially elderly households. Based on this situation, from the perspective of demolition compensation, government solve the problem and land acquisition demolition to let the elderly residents get real adaptation,which has a very important practical significance to promote the harmonious and stable development of economy and society.Therefore, this research mainly about the elderly tenants on adaptation after removing the distribution of life, and from the self evaluation, social communication, psychological adjustment and other aspects analyzes the causes of adaptability. In this article, through the questionnaire investigation and interview method to understanding the living status of the elderly in the S community, discuss a series of problems of S community, including life style, life adaptation and so on to find the real demand of Shanghai "old street" which is provided for the basic data and parameters for the "old street" research.
    Key Words:the elderly residents;Self evaluation;Social communication;Psychological  adjustment
    目 录
    绪 论    1
    一、 研究背景    2
    二、 文献回顾    3
    (一) “拆迁老年户移居”的缘起    3
    (二) 对“拆迁老年户移居”研究的必要性    3
    1、 老年户拆迁问题引发社区重置    3
    2、城市社区老年对象城市适应性为何不良?    4
    (三) 拆迁老年户移居存在的问题    4
    1、 地域空间变化    5
    2、 身份变化    5
    3、 社区组织、管理上的变化    5
    (四) 对拆迁老年户移居问题的研究    6
    三、理论架构和研究方法    7
    (一) 理论基础    7
    1、 心理社会理论    7
    2、社会支持网络理论    7
    (1) 社会支持    7
    (2) 社会网络    8
    (二) 研究方法    8
    1、 问卷调查法    8
    2、 访谈法    9
    四、调查结果及分析    10
    (一) S社区拆迁户老年户的生活现状    10
    1、 拆迁老年户相关信息数据统计    11
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