Unemployed college graduate study Social Security
Abstract:With the rapid development of China's higher education, the increasing size of school university, more and more number of university graduates, but employment opportunities in the community college graduates relative to the growth rate is very slow, leading to a lot of college graduation facing unemployment. Unemployed college graduate to become an increasingly large groups, social security issues of this group also attracted attention. Unemployed college graduates there are problems in social security: the government's lack of unemployed university graduates effective safeguards are not employed, unemployed college graduates can not guarantee their basic rights and did not attend college eligibility for unemployment insurance. Learn from foreign experience suggests that the following measures be taken to address these issues: the development of relevant policies to strengthen the management of the labor market; vigorous development of private enterprises and create more jobs college students; encourage college graduates to go to SMEs and other basic urban employment; For college graduates start their own businesses, and the state should give some policy support。
KeyWords: college unemployment; social security; unemployment security
目 录
一、绪论 6
(一) 研究目的 6
(二) 研究意义 6
1、 理论意义 6
2、 实践意义 7
(三) 研究现状 7
1、 国内研究现状 7
2、 国外研究现状 8
(四) 研究思路与方法 8
1、 研究思路 8
2、 研究方法 9
(五) 相关概念的界定 9
1、 失业 9
2、 毕业未就业大学生 9
3、 失业大学生社会保障 10
二、 大学生毕业未就业的现状及未就业的原因分析 10
(一) 大学生毕业未就业的现状 10
(二) 大学生失业的原因 11
1、 社会的原因 11
2、 高校的原因 12
3、 大学生自身的原因 12
(三) 大学生失业的影响 13
1、 大学生失业对社会的影响 13
2、 大学生失业对家庭的影响 13
3、 大学生失业对个人的影响 13
三、我国毕业未就业大学生社会保障问题分析 14
(一) 我国毕业未就业大学生社会保障存在的问题 14
1、 政府缺乏对毕业未就业大学生有效的失业保障措施 14
2、 毕业未就业大学生无法保障自身的基本权利 14
- 上一篇:施工现场临时用房设计与施工安全探讨
- 下一篇:夫妻关系对独生子女家庭中亲子教育问题的影响