    毕业论文关键词: 无障碍  现状 方法 对策
    The Accessibility Development Status and Countermeasures about new suburban metropolitan city—In Fengxian District as an example
    Abstract: The late development of accessibility in chain, Imbalance in the development of the country, even in the same city, accessible development also exists a big gap in different counties. The development of Accessible the integration of urban and rural areas in outer suburbs and new city have a lot of problems. This thesis takes the means to literature, questionnaire and interviewing method ,I think that The development of Accessible the background of the integration of urban and rural areas in outer suburbs and new city and put for word specific measures to improve the accessibility of community service and bus systems, solve the difficult problem of disabled travelers; accelerate the accessibility of public service establishments reconstruction and construction, improve the level of information exchange residual disabilities, meet the needs of people with disabilities to communicate and exchange information; Improve the ability of people with disabilities to participate ; Achieve equalization of public services, good suburban town planning ;clearly the main responsibility, strengthen the system construction; Increased advocacy and the development of relevant laws, correct thinking, and establish a new concept of the disabled.
    KeyWords:   accessible  current conditions  methods  Measure
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景及研究目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    (三)研究方法    2
    二、文献综述    3
    (一) 国外研究现状    3
    (二) 国内研究现状    3
    (三)远郊新城的特点    4
    三、基础理论    5
    (一) 马斯洛需求层次理论    5
    1、 生理上的需要    5
    2、 安全上的需要    5
    3、 感情上的需要    5
    4、 尊重的需要    5
    5、 自我实现的需要    6
    (二)社会比较理论    6
    四、上海市奉贤区无障碍发展的现状    7
    (一) 残障人士无障碍环境建设基本框架    7
    1、 出行无障碍    7
    2、 生活空间无障碍    7
    3、 信息无障碍    7
    (二)奉贤区无障碍的问题    7
    1、残障人士生活范围狭小,进出公共场所不容易,社区中的无障碍服务有待提高    7
    2、步行是残障人士出行的首选方式,无障碍楼梯及公共场所无障碍设施有待完善    9
    3、电视、互联网、报纸成为残障人士获取信息的主要渠道,信息无障碍建设有待加强    10
    4、 无障碍设施覆盖率较低、建设不规范,日常缺乏监管文护    11
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