


    毕业论文关键词  风机盘管+独立新风系统  全空气系统  异程式  防排烟  


    Title    HVAC engineering design for a jewelry  research and  development center building in Shanghai     


    The topic for graduate design is a HVAC engineering design for a jewelry research and development center building in Shanghai. The construction area is about 30,000 square meters. This building contains one story underground ,a half overhead story,five stories ground and a device story. The underground story is used for garage and equipment, raid shelter for second-class people during the war, 6B -level air defense project; the half overhead story is used for garage ,equipment and restaurants; Floors one to five for the showrooms,shopping malls , training rooms , conference office space and other functions.

    The design uses a ground source heat pump as air conditioning cold and heat sources .Air conditioning area mainly uses a fan-coil and independent use of the new air system; several rooms such as multifunction rooms and restaurants use the entire air system. Water system with the use of closed different programming system. Bathroom ventilation exhaust from the exhaust pipe connected wells sent, install the fan in the duct. Smoke control system set up underground garage, ventilation and smoke common pipes, vents were set seperately. Atrium with mechanical exhaust system.

    Keywords  fan-coil+independent open air system; all-air system;different programs;smoke control system for casual flow

    目    次

    1  概论 1

    1.1  工程概况 1

    1.2  设计依据 1

    2  空调负荷计算 2

    2.1  空调室内、外计算参数 2

    2.2  空调新风量的确定 2

    2.3  空调冷负荷计算 3

    2.4  湿负荷计算 7

    2.5  空调热负荷计算 8

    2.6  空调负荷计算结果汇总 9

    3  空调系统冷热源的设计 9

    3.1  冷热源系统设计的一般要求 9

    3.2  空调冷热源的分类 10

    3.3  常用空调冷热源的特点 10

    3.4  空调冷热源方案的确定 11

    3.5  空调冷热源机房的设计 11

    4  空调方式的设计

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