The Design of Ground-source Heat Pump Central Air Conditioning System for a Villa in Hangzhou City
Abstract: The graduation project is the subject of the ground-source heat pump central air conditioning system design for a villa in Hangzhou city. In terms of energy saving, ground source heat pump air conditioning energy saving than traditional more than 30%. It contains: cooling load calculation; the estimation of system zoning; the selection of refrigeration units; the selection of air conditioning equipment; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipment; the selection of ground heat exchanger; the design of water system and its resistance analysis; the insulation of air duct plant and chilled water pipes; noise and vibration control; etc. This design is based on the relevant norms, to meet the energy saving and comfort requirements, with fresh air fan coil scheme.
Keywords: Villa; Ground source heat pump central air conditioning system; Cold and hot load; Ground heat exchanger
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 地源热泵优点 1
1.3 适应范围及对应策略分析 2
2 工程概况及设计依据 3
2.1 设计依据 3
2.2 建筑平面图 3
2.3 国家主要规范和行业标准 3
2.4 工程概况 3
2.5 气象参数和地质参数 3
2.6 初步方案的确定 4
3 负荷计算 5
3.1 夏季空调冷负荷计算及构成 5
3.1.1 围护结构冷负荷 5
3.1.2 室内热源散热形成的冷负荷 7
3.2 冬季热负荷的计算 8
3.2.1 围护结构基本耗热量Q1' 9
3.2.2 围护结构的修正耗热量 9
3.3 湿负荷计算 10
3.4 负荷计算汇总 10
4 新风负荷的计算及风机盘管的选型 13
4.1 新风量的计算 13
4.2 夏季新风冷负荷计算 13
4.3 新风量及新风负荷的汇总 13
4.4 新风机组的选型及布置 14
4.4.1 新风机组选型步骤: 14
4.4.2 新风机内机标准安装 14
4.5 风机盘管选型 15
4.5.1 送风量的计算 15
4.5.2 风机盘管的选取 16
- 上一篇:福建省三级公路设计阶段的施工设计+CAD图纸
- 下一篇:深圳地区花岗岩孤石与下伏基岩相关性分析