And the key of water supply construction of the design of the fire water, for us to design the building floor, the water for life above is the toilet water and a small amount of life water, develop in each layer is disposed an offer by Shanghai Water Environmental Protection Equipment Co Ltd can produce a device of direct drinking clean water, the device can be connected directly to the municipal pipe network, water demand is not very high, a water purification device inside the device can be directly into the water as drinking water, in addition to the device and heating equipment and devices, can provide heat drinking water. Therefore, the device can provide office building with the general drinking water.
The main task of this thesis is aiming at a seven layer office building to the drainage design, the main design elements include: building water supply system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, building drainage system.
This building is located in Shanghai City, including 2 underground floors, and 5 floors which are above ground .On the top roof there are just some necessary facilities. The total construction area is 8040.2 m2 and total building height is 22.5m. The municipal water supply piping provides capital with the head of 0.15MPa, after a technical and economic comparison, indoor water supply system is adopted in municipal water supply pipe network directly. The
“common drainage manner” is going to be applied in the building drainage system, and the sewage is directly discharged into the sewer. The whole building uses a common water supply system in the fire hydrant system and so does the automatic sprinkler systems. Both of them use the temporary high-pressure water supply manner in which pumps and water tanks are essential. The number of automatic sprinklers inside the building is about 700 , Apart from that , the automatic sprinkler system also include two wet alarm valves. A branched network is linked after the pipe alarm valves .Fire hydrant is used in underground layer. There is water flow indicator in each layer. There is also underground garage, which contain 32 cars.
According to the requirements of the code, building water supply mode by direct water supply. Building drainage by single riser drainage, ventilation directly on the roof and is connected to the atmosphere, the lower end of the direct access to municipal sewage pipe network. This design is the focus of building fire water, taking into account the amount of spray head of each zone can access to less than 500, this design uses the water, underground two layer as a region, the ground layer five as a regional. According to the requirements of the code for fire prevention design new requirements garage fire rating higher so the design in underground car in addition to the automatic power system of the added fire hydrant system.
Key Words:Water supply and drainage of building, fire hydrant, automatic sprinkler, underground garage
1 引言 1
1.1 设计的意义 1
1.2 设计任务 1
1.3 市政给水排水资料 2
1.4 设计依据 2
2 建筑给水系统设计与计算 3
2.1 设计说明 3
2.2 设计计算 3
2.2.1 生活给水系统所需水量 3
2.2.2 室内给水管网水力计算 5
3 建筑消防给水系统设计与计算 9
3.1 消防给水系统的选择 9
3.2 地下车库的消火栓系统选择 9
3.2.1 地下车库防火级别的确定 9
3.2.2地下车库消火栓系统的设计要求和计算 10
3.3 地下车库和办公区域的自动喷淋系统的设计与计算 12
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