
    摘 要:“没收个人全部财产”是我国财产刑刑罚中最严厉的一种,已与现代社会价值,刑罚理念和目的背道而驰,加之缺乏刑罚效益和在法院执行中出现了许多无法解决的问题,所以应重新审视没收个人全部财产刑的刑罚价值,建议废除没收个人全部财产刑罚,同时保留没收部分财产刑罚,并通过对没收部分财产刑的适用对象进行限制、明确没收部分财产的数额标准和执行主体、建立被告人财产申报制度、刑事缺席审判制度以及对单位实行没收部分财产刑等相关法律制度,使其与我国国情及依法治国方略相协调。64972


    Abstract: "Confiscation of all personal property" is the property of criminal punishment in the most severe kind, which is also known as the death penalty on the economy, ,the modern social values have been punishment, penalty runs counter to the concept and purpose, and the lack of punishment can not be effective and there have been many problems in the implementation of the Court, it should re-examine the confiscation of all personal property of criminal penalties the value of the proposed repeal of the confiscation of all personal property penalty, while retaining part of the property confiscated penalty and punishment by confiscation of part of the property to limit the application of the object, clear the confiscation of part of the property and the amount of the standard implementation of the main establishment defendant property declaration system, criminal absent trial system and the institutions to implement part of the property confiscated criminal legal system, etc., to be coordinated with the national conditions of China and the rule of law strategy.

    Keywords: abolition of the penalty effective, Court, confiscate part of the property, the amount of standard system

    目   录

    引言 6

    1 没收个人全部财产刑罚:解析与反思 7

    1.1没收个人全部财产刑罚的历史价值 7

    1.2没收个人全部财产的刑罚效益 7

    2 没收个人全部财产的执行现状与困境 8

    2.1执行率低 8

    2.2 执行程序不明 9

    3 废除没收个人全部财产刑后的制度衔接 10

    3.1 对没收部分财产刑的适用范围进行限制 12

    3.1.1 明确没收部分财产的数额标准 12

    3.1.2 建立被告人财产申报制度 12

    3.1.3 确立刑事诉讼缺席审判制度 13

    3.1.4 明确没收部分财产刑的执行主体 13

    3.1.5 对单位实行没收部分财产制 14

    结   语 15

    参考文献 16

    致  谢 17



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