


    Abstract:With the development of social economy, the residents' consumption of our country level with the qualitative, greatly enhance the per capita consumption, consumption is growing a variety of channels and ways. Consumption ability is a kind of performance, the economic development of our country situation good also is a kind of economic development in our country to promote. But, at present, our country consumer rights and interests protection problems still has some drawbacks. All over the country, every year a lot of consumer rights infringement cases, some of these cases solved, some foundered. If this phenomenon continues, not only to our country consumer rights and interests of a kind of damage, but also a hindrance to the economic development of our country. Protection of rights and interests of consumers, and is the key to the government's legislation. In this paper, from the perspective of legal knowledge, to analyze our country now has what problem in the consumers' rights and interests protection legislation present situation, and to solve these problems, puts forward some perfecting measures. 

    Keywords:Consumer, The rights and interests protection, Legislation, Perfect

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    2 我国消费者权益保护立法的现状 4

    2.1我国消费者权益保护相关法律的建立历程 4

    2.2我国现行的保护消费者权益的法律 5

    3 我国消费者权益保护在法律方面的问题 5

    3.1权利保护范围过窄 5

    3.2行政执法主体多元,行政保护体制失衡 5

    3.3民事责任难以落到实处 6

    3.4赔偿主体欠明,消费者权利难以落实 6

    4 消费者权益保护的立法完善趋势 6

    4.1法律条例渐渐完备趋势 6

    4.2消费者权益保护领域扩大趋势 7

    4.3消费者权益保护的多层次发展趋势 7

    5 完善我国消费者权益保护的立法建议 8

    5.1完善《消费者权益保护法》 8

    5.2进一步扩展消费者的权利范围 9

    5.3赋予消费者协会代位诉讼的权利 10

    5.4调整法律规定的赔偿惩罚力度 10

    结    论 11

    参考文献 12

    致  谢

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