
    摘 要:器官移植中被害人承诺的法理基础在于刑法以保护个人法益为首要任务,而被害人行使自主决定权放弃的法益不再具有刑法保护的必要性,从而阻却行为违法性,但放弃生命权的除外。被害人承诺的有效成立要求承诺的作出必须从被害人真实的意思出发,当被害人发生法益关系错误时,即对放弃的法益之种类、范围或危险性认识错误的承诺无效,但单纯的动机错误不影响被害人承诺的有效性。组织出卖人体器官的行为,如果有被害人的有效承诺,则组织者成立组织出卖人体器官罪,反之如果没有被害人的有效承诺则该行为还可能成立故意杀人、故意伤害罪等,一行为触犯数罪,成立想象竞合。没有死者生前的有效承诺或者死后近亲属承诺而摘取尸体器官的,行为人成立盗窃、侮辱尸体罪。54106


    Abstract: Legal basis of the victim’s promise in the transplanted organ is that criminal law is protecting legal interests as the most important task, but the legal interests that the victims exercise their discretionary power to give up no longer have the necessity of criminal law protection, therefore the illegality of the acts is hindered, except for giving up the life. The effective promise of the victim requires that the promise must be based on the victim’s true meaning. When the relationship of the legal interests makes an error, the victim’s promise is not valid. But the pure motives error does not affect the effectiveness of the victim’s promise. If the victim gives assent of selling his own organs, the organizers of human organs sale will be convicted of the crime of the organization of selling human organs. On the contrary, an act offends several accusations, belonging to imaginative joinder of offences. If the deceased does not have the valid promise, or the close relatives of the deceased don’t have the valid promise, the removal of the body organs establishes the crime of stealing or insulting the corpse.

    Keywords:organ transplant, victim’s promise, illegality is hindered 

    目   录

    1. 引言 4

    2. 被害人承诺的法理基础 4

    3. 器官移植中的被害人承诺的有效要件 5

    3.1 承诺主体适格 5

    3.2 承诺意思真实自愿 7

    3.3 承诺内容有权处分 7

    3.4 承诺意思表示合法 8

    3.5 目的和手段的正当性 9

    4. 被害人承诺在器官移植中的具体适用 10

    4.1 摘取活体器官行为定性 10

    4.2 摘取尸体器官行为定性 11

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1. 引言


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