
    system is called conformal cooling channels. The application of this
    new kind of cooling channels is based on the development of solid
    free-form fabrication (SFF) technology. Some of works studied the
    advantages of the conformal cooling system and how to optimize
    the conformal cooling channels in injection molding tools.
    results were reported that conformal cooling channels offer better
    temperature uniformity within the mold cavity and better molded
    part’s quality compared to straight cooling channels. SFF or rapid
    prototyping technology brings the opportunities to fabricate very
    complex conformal cooling channels inside the mold core and mold
     but this technique is still expensive, especially for large-
    sized mold. On the other hand, the kinds of metal powders used in
    rapid prototyping techniques, for example 3D printing, selective
    laser sintering, electron beam melting, and laser engineered net
    shaping, are limited. It means that the choice of mold material with
    appropriate thermal and mechanical properties for making
    conformal cooling channels by SFF is narrower than that of
    conventional mold. These issues hinder the popular use of rapid
    prototyping technique for making large injection mold.
    Although a great of attention has been paid to improve the
    performance of the cooling system, most of the published works are
    only feasible for simple plastic parts. One of the evidence is that all
    the examples used in various case studies are very simple.
     Some of
     relied on 1-D or 2-D heat transfer analysis meanwhile
    the geometry of plastic parts are usually complex, and they need a
    3-D analysis. Moreover, sensitive analysis, finite element or
    boundary element coding for optimization of some specific cases
    are still academic and lack of generalization, so they are
    inconvenient to apply in reality. On the contrary, some of works
    applied 3-D CAE tools to solve the cooling problem for some more
    complex parts. Yet, the method of reducing the cooling time and
    optimizing the configuration of conformal cooling channels of these
    studies were not adequate.
    This paper is intended as a contribution to solve this on-going
    problem by introducing U-shape milled groove conformal cooling
    channels fabricated by CNC milling machine instead of rapid prototyping method. This approach is suitable for medium-sized
    and large-sized molded part with free-form surface. The relation
    between the configuration of cooling channels and cycle averaged
    thermal behavior of the mold cavity are investigated thoroughly.
    The size, location, and layout of cooling channels for a quite
    complex molded part are optimized by the combination of an
    applicable analytical model based on the equivalent model,
    computer-aided 3-D heat transfer analysis, and effective
    optimization strategy. This approach would therefore offer a more
    feasible and practical way to design an optimal conformal cooling
    channel and to meet the requirement of reducing the cooling time
    and increasing molded part quality with less effort of plastic
    2. U-shape milled groove conformal cooling channels
    Milled groove cooling channels in spiral form has been used for
    flat parts with round and circular shape in order to obtain better
    temperature control. This kind of cooling channels is more
    expensive to make comparing to straight-drilled one, but produces
    high-quality and distortion-free parts such as precision gears and
    compact discs.
     proposed a modified milled groove method
    applied to medium free-form parts with two case studies of mouse
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